Tuning Interior Mods Punto MK2

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Tuning Interior Mods Punto MK2

Jan 29, 2014
Hi, ive just got my first car a couple of months ago (Punto mk2 1.2 8v) and i have a few things need doing to it before I get it on the road, firstly, as i have the Abarth Body Kit on (i purchased it like this) the Airbag light is on, it used to be on yellow but now its on red, my dad sugested it could just be the sensor in the bumper where it had been replaced but im not too sure. Also i have no horn, i dont know why but it just dosent work. another thing is my speedometer dosent light up, everything else does (ie City mode light, water light) but in the dark i cant see how fast the car is going, is it possible for any of you kind people to help me with this?:)

Thanks in advance!:)
hi welcome
its quite possible your clock spring behind the steering wheel has gone open circuit thus causing airbag failure lights and also no horn
the way i would attack this would be to download fiatecuscan and buy the appropriate leads to read the airbag ecu to see if it shows airbag drivers squib as reason for failure
i would in the meantime hard wire the horn to see if this works so not the squib problem
remember a horn is a legal requirement
ifsquib faulty kill two birds with one stone an buy a sporting steery wheel complete with airbag and also new switches that go behind it as these control the squib
s/h is fine as long as airbag is less than 10 years old,get an independant garage to fit if unsure of safety rules
speedo upgrade to sporting dash ,get one with less miles then via ecuscan line the mileage up to your own car
finally make sure no fuses gone as reason for no dash lights
Thanks a lot for your reply! any ideas where i can pick this equipment up from? and how much? and if neccesary how much would the sporting steering wheel cost?:) cheers!(y)
Hmmm, ill just buy a diagnostic reader and see where i go from there, dosent really help the fact i know next to nothing about cars:(

it would appear you didnt read my original post if you are considering a purchase of a diagnostic scanner rather than free fiatecuscan and the purchased leads
cant really help if you read only bits(n):confused:
could i not just buy a new clock spring and replace it?:)

you need to confirm this is the issue though and this is where proper dedicated fiat code reading comes in (fiatecuscan)
i replaced a clock spring 2 weeks ago because the previous clown owner had busted it with putting the steery wheel on wrong so its qwuite possible you have same issue
your car should have failed mot by the way if a new one
is it?
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