Technical Indicator error

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Technical Indicator error

Mar 19, 2024
Hi Folks
I recently had my right hand side mirror taken out by a speeding motorhome who did not stop.
I replaced it with one from Poland via fleabay. €99 inc postage.
Quality is fine and it works great except the dash is telling me to check the right side turn signal bulb.
The indicator lights all work perfectly flashing at the correct speed but the clicking is double speed
like the old flasher units sounded like when a bulb was gone.
I learned that this sound is generated by the electronics now.
I connected Multiecuscan but it does not show any errors, ditto with Torque Pro. but the dash disagrees.
I did replace the bulb with a 5 watt one as I could not read the wattage of the supplied one.
Vehicle is 2.2 Mulitjet from 2022. I believe all functions are not available on Multiecuscan for this model.
Can anyone shed light on this? A bit weird having an error and all is working as expected..
Fiat Ducato Multijet 2.2
There are two alternative wattages on the earlier X/290s, and I suspect that has been carried through onto the latest series.

Many motorhome base vehicles require a 16w bulb (and most eBay supplied mirrors come with a 5w). Wrong wattage messes with the Canbus.

There are, in fact, two different lenses, one with an orange insert (clear bulb) and one without (amber bulb). I've experienced a few issues with a 16w bulb (w16W) in the ones that have an insert (melting the plastic) and Coastal Motorhomes say that's a common issue, and they recommend the clear lens and amber bulb if 16w required.

Whatever, I'd try a w16w bulb in either amber or clear depending on the current lens type, and if it's the orange lens and you have heat issues, replace the lens with a clear one and use a w16w amber bulb. The latter are rather less common than clear w16w bulbs, but they do exist.
Thanks Hugh for your rapid reply.
My bulb is the amber one.
I found a reference online for the bulb that said 5 watts. This was obviously wrong.
I will get a 16 watt amber bulb and see how it goes with the CanBus.
It's not definitively wrong, but it would explain the symptoms and I'm reasonably confident. The manual for the x/290 details the two variations, but gives no indication of how to decide which for a given vehicle. (Though it does say "Tempo Libero" versions are 16w, which I believe many motorhomes use).

Hi Folks
I recently had my right hand side mirror taken out by a speeding motorhome who did not stop.
I replaced it with one from Poland via fleabay. €99 inc postage.
Quality is fine and it works great except the dash is telling me to check the right side turn signal bulb.
The indicator lights all work perfectly flashing at the correct speed but the clicking is double speed
like the old flasher units sounded like when a bulb was gone.
I learned that this sound is generated by the electronics now.
I connected Multiecuscan but it does not show any errors, ditto with Torque Pro. but the dash disagrees.
I did replace the bulb with a 5 watt one as I could not read the wattage of the supplied one.
Vehicle is 2.2 Mulitjet from 2022. I believe all functions are not available on Multiecuscan for this model.
Can anyone shed light on this? A bit weird having an error and all is working as expected..
I am puzzled as to why, @charliehorse chooses to use a derogatory name, for a commercial organisation whose services he is obviously happy to use.
I am puzzled as to why, @charliehorse chooses to use a derogatory name, for a commercial organisation whose services he is obviously happy to use.
@Communicator I am puzzled as to why you would single me out for criticism over the use of the word Fleabay.
The word has been used in maybe 1000 threads on here, some of which you were a participant without you criticising the utterer.
What is the commercial organisation that you assume I am referring to?
What is your beef with me and why do you try to bully in public me on my first few posts?
Ok, tried the 16 watt bulb today and it works. Thanks Hugh for your research.
Clicking reduced to the correct sequence and error on the dash disappeared.
The 16 watt bulb is larger and would not fit through the hole in the lens moulding.
I drilled out the hole to 15mm. This allowed the bulb into the lens and still
allowed the rubber holder to form a seal at the opening.
I did not slide the holder fully home as this would place the bulb close to the lens.
I used some insulating tape to hold the bulb at this position and help with the sealing.
Hopefully it does not melt the lens under normal use. Hazard lights might be different..
Time will tell.
I've seen the bulb size issue reported under similar circumstances before (on here, I think). I didn't have a problem.

There may be different sizes of 16w bulbs, but the quality of aftermarket indicator lenses varies a lot, so I'm more inclined to blame differences there.

Anyway, the source of your issue is now obvious.
When I asked the guy in the motor factors for a smaller size, he said if it is 16 watts, that is the size they are.
If I get melting I will try a suitable resistor or maybe a couple of 5 watt bulbs in series inside the mirror housing.
That should keep the canbus happy.
I would agree with you on the lens quality. It was obviously designed for a 5 watt bulb.
Interesting, My lens doesn't have either marking.
It works great so far and for €99 it is far better bang for buck than a Fiat one.
Can't see it melting under normal indicator usage.
for comfirmation