Hi all you fiat people,1st thread,i am a self employed plumber and a white van man ie ducato swb 2002 2 ltr van. problem..tried starting in minus temp run battery down after slow starting..removed..charged..still no start..immobiliser light on..no red key..miles from fiat garage..need to work..help!..
Can i by pass pump on common rail model??
where is the ecu and other components so i can maybe check them..been told i can send the ecu away and they sort it and send it back??(dont want to send it only to find out its something else..)
Hi.thanks for the info but have looked at the posts but they do not apply to my model..i have 2 cable pin to top and similar to bottom of pump..someone must have found a way around this?fixed it once already but just want to get rid now.
Hi Bevs, if you removed the battery for charging and before this your code light worked properly then its highly likely your inertia switch got knocked, this puts the immobiliser light on with ducatos. Look behind the battery for a inertia switch (from memory its on the bulkhead, has either a black or red rubber top and you press the middle down to reactivate it. Read your handbook for location if you cant find it.
The key, code unit on the steering column and ecu need to be in sync. If you turn it over with the battery in a poor state the voltage will be dropping dramatically leading to unstable operation of the electronics circuits. Maybe your codes are out of sync. It only takes a minute for the garage or any autolocksmith to recode the key to the van.
Did you try and jump start it? In certain siuations this can cause a problem.
Hi we have a similar problem Can anyone help we have a Fiat Ducato 2.8d (2002) Motorhome the keycode light is staying on so we can't start it.
over the cold weather we have had to jump start it a few times as the battery got low,Should we just get a new battery?
we had it towed to the garage and he got it recoded and recharged the battery and it worked for 2 wks (he said the solenoid in the compartment near the pump was sticking and would need doing but would cost £700 as he would need to take of the belt etc and put a new unit in?Should we do this and does anyone know anyone cheaper in greater manch area?)
it went again today and we had to call out the breakdown people. They couldn't get it going so I rang the mechanic and he suggested a tap in a strategic location and a turn on and of sequence with the key and it worked but he said it only a temporary fix.Still need the £700 job.
I had been told to get it disconnected but apparently this would invalidate my insurance??