General How to drain diesel tank?

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General How to drain diesel tank?


New member
Oct 20, 2005
South East
Does anyone know if there's a straightforward way to drain the tank?

I've got about half a tank and the car's now scrap, I want to recover whatever I can of value out of it!

I'll be able to find a way (eg take the tank off) but if there's an easy way it would be useful to know.

Petrol or diesel?

Another one gone. Sigh :(. I think HowManyLeft's stats for the next quarter are going to be dire. Have you owned it since joining the forum?
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Yes, owned since joining, done about 75000 miles in it, now at 130k, been a very useful car but now the kids are older there's no reason to have 6 seats.
That's a shame. Nearly nine years of ownership. I expect you've seen all there is to see in running a Multipla! Hopefully it served you well. What's the reason for scrapping?

As for the fuel, as it's diesel and a plastic tank, I'd just drill a hole in the bottom and drain it into some bowls. Half a tank is around 30 litres, so you'll need quite a few plastic cans :)
you can use the pump in the tank. Connect directly 12v to pump and connect hose to the pump or you can use the original hose from the engine just need to make it longer.