Technical how to change pollen filter

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Technical how to change pollen filter


New member
Oct 27, 2009

Can someone please tell me or give me a diagram showing how to change the pollen filter? i've no idea were it is or how to change it. i've tried to find a guide but can't seem to find one, if someone has already posted this, please direct me to it as i couldn't find it, and its not on my Stilo workshop cd.

Sorry for the stupid question, but why will it be a major expense?
The pollen filter is a filter

If you leave it out then dust, bit of leaves and other stuff will end up on the heat exchanger (not just pollen).

Cleaning that would be massively expensive as it's a major job to remove it.

I'd fit one quickly if I was you :)
I think the added bit of information that is required is that the aircon system is far more complicated than the simple heat exchange use for non aircon systems.

If your aircon system is broken and you have no intention of EVER getting it working again then omitting the pollen filter is an option. However it is still and expensive option should you wish to get the aircon working again, or more importantly when you sell or PX your car on you are leaving and expensive problem for some poor other person to pick up.

Even if your aircon is not work, the PLUS to having a pollen filter is that it traps quite a few of those nasty old diesel fumes / soot that often make following older diesel cars and trucks such a bad and blinding headache experience.
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The cabin filter isn't just for aircon, it's to filter ALL air going through the ventilation system so a blocked filter will reduce air flow to all the vents

No cabin filter means the heater matrix or the aircon evaporator gets blocked instead depending on what you have fitted

Changed mine in about 30mins the other day, it's really not difficult or at least I thought so
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Replaced the one in our stilo today what a pig of a job, bet it would be easyer on a left hand drive! who the hell put the steering column there! lol

Hard enough to get out even harder to get back in!
Ah that too comes with its hazards though. Have you ever been to Sweden? It used to be right hand drive like us but back in the 50's or 60's the government decided to change to left hand like the rest of Europe, offered good deals on subsidised triad ins for saabs or volvos and moved a few road signs. However they didn't change the layout of the road junctions so they are still all angled for right hand drive, they are a right pain in the arse!
Can't help thinking motoring in general would be a lot easier if we started driving on the right side of the road over here - should have changed over years ago :mad:

Don't think driving on the right side of the road is a very good idea.......... I tried it from London to Brighton today..... it's bloody dangerous. :eek:

thanks for the replys, i will add this to my service list, and to give the car a good service in two weeks, oil, air, pollen filter, and some good oil. then fix a speaker, not sure how my stilo has broken the speaker already, only put the new one in a month ago! :bang:
Can't help thinking motoring in general would be a lot easier if we started driving on the right side of the road over here - should have changed over years ago :mad:

You're right.
With a left side steering it's much more easy to reach this hidden filter... :D
It helps if you put a few cuts in the filter like the pic so it will make a curve.


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