Technical Hot Exhaust

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Technical Hot Exhaust

Model Depot

New member
Jun 21, 2009
Hi all, My Ulysee has still got problems, Origionaly the problem was 1st 3rd and 5th gears, the garrage has replaced the cables however the problem is with the engine over heating the exhaust, the garrage dont know why its too hot ( aparently glowing ) which is what damaged the gear cables, and I dont know either, It has failed the M.O.T from emissions, and had a new exhaust fitted
They thaught that the old exhaust was blocked so I said to put a new one on, but that isnt the problem.
The engine has the correct amount of oil and coolant etc in it, Has any one else had this type of over heatin problem or knows what to do so I can point the garrage in the right direction,
I have been without my Ulysee for over a month now and am fed up of walking every where !
A glowing exhaust would mean the Exhaust Gas Temperature is very high.

Is it petrol or Diesel?

The emissions would be off as the Cat is probably dead from the extreme temperature.

I would look at the fuel mixture, if it is too rich, then this could be burning some of the excess fuel in the exhaust, thus ramping the heat up.

Check the Lambda.
Hi Chipper, its a 1.9 Petrol engine, The Garrage is going over the pipes and tubes etc through today, The have ruled out the valves and timing, which was perfect lol
kindest regards