hi guys. i've a new suggestion

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hi guys. i've a new suggestion


New member
Aug 30, 2009
hey guys im a newbie from india, i suggest to add a special area to discuss and describe our feels that really made us fiat fans

and also an area for the stopped models, which have ruled almost every part of the earth like 1100 and old 500 etc

so hope you all will raise your hands for me.
thank you guys
enjoy riding the fiat
loads of threads in leisure lounge for feelings about 'being a fiat fan' or similar threads all over forum, have a search.

Check forum you will see sections for older fiats that arent made anymore including the classic 500.

There is also a section entitaled 'other fiats' which is where the older cars are mentioned and talked about, mainly because there isnt many owners nor a big demand for them to warrant their own section.

I dont think you have searched or explored forum really well, i suggest you do this
The Leisure Lounge is for topics not related to Fiat, though. AppleSei. :p