Newbie First Post:
My 2007 GP and I have been friends since new, and now she's a little older, she's had her first breakage, ie the sun visor flopping down. Must be the hot Aussie summers.....
After about 30 mins of messing around I have an easy repair that is working.
1) Get a length of 10mm diameter heat shrink tubing from the local auto parts store, you need 100mm piece. Cost: 2m length $8 AUD
2) At home, remove the single screw holding the sun visor to the roof.
3) Wiggle the sun visor bracket out of its hole by pulling on the bracket/visor and sliding towards the centre of the car, guiding it down slightly at the same time. (My first one was tricky, as it feels "attached" to the roof.)
4) On the workbench, grasp the bracket and the visor blade in two hands and pull (wrench) the bracket axle out of the visor blade while you twist.
5) Examine the axle shaft, the end deepest inside the visor has a taper and a bayonet end. There is a flat area about halfway along the axle.
6) Slide the length of heat shrink over the entire axle, heat over the gas or with a torch, don't burn the plastic and trim to length of the axle.
7) Push the axle back into the sun visor. This requires more effort now there is interference between blade and axle.
8) Install back in the car, check it isn't too stiff now! If it is, disassemble and trim back the heat shrink with a sharp knife. Repeat until you're happy.
2007 GP 1.3JTD Orange Dynamic
My 2007 GP and I have been friends since new, and now she's a little older, she's had her first breakage, ie the sun visor flopping down. Must be the hot Aussie summers.....
After about 30 mins of messing around I have an easy repair that is working.
1) Get a length of 10mm diameter heat shrink tubing from the local auto parts store, you need 100mm piece. Cost: 2m length $8 AUD
2) At home, remove the single screw holding the sun visor to the roof.
3) Wiggle the sun visor bracket out of its hole by pulling on the bracket/visor and sliding towards the centre of the car, guiding it down slightly at the same time. (My first one was tricky, as it feels "attached" to the roof.)
4) On the workbench, grasp the bracket and the visor blade in two hands and pull (wrench) the bracket axle out of the visor blade while you twist.
5) Examine the axle shaft, the end deepest inside the visor has a taper and a bayonet end. There is a flat area about halfway along the axle.
6) Slide the length of heat shrink over the entire axle, heat over the gas or with a torch, don't burn the plastic and trim to length of the axle.
7) Push the axle back into the sun visor. This requires more effort now there is interference between blade and axle.
8) Install back in the car, check it isn't too stiff now! If it is, disassemble and trim back the heat shrink with a sharp knife. Repeat until you're happy.
2007 GP 1.3JTD Orange Dynamic