Technical Help please!!

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Technical Help please!!


New member
Feb 24, 2014
Hi guys, my grande punto active sport 2007 would not start this morning..

Alll electrics are fine but the car doesnt even make a sound when I turn the key. The car protection system fault (fiat code) light is on and I only have theone key, any ideas on how to solve issue please guys?
Hi guys, my grande punto active sport 2007 would not start this morning..

Alll electrics are fine but the car doesnt even make a sound when I turn the key. The car protection system fault (fiat code) light is on and I only have theone key, any ideas on how to solve issue please guys?

It's happened to mine twice flat battery mate needs a bump
It's happened to mine twice flat battery mate needs a bump

sounds most likely, (y)

if you can get access to a test meter;

the battery should have @ 12 volts when engine + lights off,

once the engine is running it should read @ 14 volts,

if less than 13.2Volts with engine running .. you've got a charging issue,
worth doing this before buying a battery you don't need, ;)
