2000, mk2 punto 1.2 8v
Help, i need some second opinions please as the garage are giving me conflicting information. About two weeks ago my wifes punto broke down following some bad misfiring on 2 cylinders. The aa diagnosed that the ignition coil was broke, we replaced both to be on the safe side.
Following the coils being changed it ran ok ish for about a week and began mis fireing again, to make matters worse the power steering also packed up. Called the aa again and they towed it to a garage.
The garage have said that the ecu is shot and is the sole reason for both the mis firing and the powersteering failure.
Quite a lot of things i have read on google sudgest that the ecu is broke because of the coils spiking and the steering is potentially un related and is probably the steering column?
Any advice from you guys, obv this is a very breif summary and there's prob some other points which could help. in short could the ecu be responsible for both the steering and mis fire or are they seperate issues.
I've been quoted about £800 for parts alone so am guessing i should give up and get rid considering a similar amount being spent over the past year.
Help, i need some second opinions please as the garage are giving me conflicting information. About two weeks ago my wifes punto broke down following some bad misfiring on 2 cylinders. The aa diagnosed that the ignition coil was broke, we replaced both to be on the safe side.
Following the coils being changed it ran ok ish for about a week and began mis fireing again, to make matters worse the power steering also packed up. Called the aa again and they towed it to a garage.
The garage have said that the ecu is shot and is the sole reason for both the mis firing and the powersteering failure.
Quite a lot of things i have read on google sudgest that the ecu is broke because of the coils spiking and the steering is potentially un related and is probably the steering column?
Any advice from you guys, obv this is a very breif summary and there's prob some other points which could help. in short could the ecu be responsible for both the steering and mis fire or are they seperate issues.
I've been quoted about £800 for parts alone so am guessing i should give up and get rid considering a similar amount being spent over the past year.