Panda heater resistor

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Panda heater resistor


New member
Jan 24, 2013
Worcestershire / Essex

I asked if anyone had any further information about changing the heater resistor in a 55 plate Panda no one seems to have done it although there were some suggestions that access could be made from the passenger footwell through the heater.

Having bought a new heater resistor I don't see that this would work since there are two lugs that two self tapping (4mm?) bolts on the outside of the air intake plenum and these can only be accessed from outside of the plenum.

On the left hand drive version the access to the heater resistor is probably acceptable but to adapt the car to right hand drive not only is the peddle box in the way but there is a lever system that transmits the brake force to the servo which remains behind the bulkhead to what is now the passenger footwell. To try and improve access I removed the bottom of the steering column but still can only just touch the heater resistor. Also part of the loom on my particular car is taught across the connector block that I'm suppose to remove from the back of heater resistor. I then disconnected the LH to RH drive conversion although it could not be removed it bought me a bit more knuckle room.

At this point I decided to buy the Haynes Manual for the Fiat 500 & Panda. The instructions for accessing the heater resistor says "remove the steering column" CHECK then it describes accessing the heater resistor and says "Note that access is severly limited". £18.99 to be told what I already knew! Not happy!

I now think I probably need to drop the peddle box to access the heater resistor any help or suggestions welcome especially if anyone has dropped the peddle box and has any advice. The main problem I foresee is the braking systems right hand drive conversion which may obstruct the removal of the peddle box.

Life would be easier if the cars we buy weren't LH drive converted to RH. I have wondered about running a LH diesel Panda Cross.

Regards TJ