I have recently fitted the insertable headlight relay looms designed by Bob Brown from xwebforum. My headlights are now A LOT better on dipped beam. I CAN ACTUALLY SEE where I'm going in the dark... 
I found it difficult to find Bosch 30 amp relays as recommended and used by the design. When I did find them new they were about £10 each (4 needed) and scrap yards had none in any modern cars. I found the 30/40 amp fuse in ford fiesta's focus and Mondeo's are plentiful and cost me £1 each at the scrappy. They work great.
The pins are numbered differently 1-5 instead of 85 etc the layout of the pins is the same as the Bosch relays.
Should be useful for anyone planning to make this improvement.
Link to original design by Bob Brown:
I found it difficult to find Bosch 30 amp relays as recommended and used by the design. When I did find them new they were about £10 each (4 needed) and scrap yards had none in any modern cars. I found the 30/40 amp fuse in ford fiesta's focus and Mondeo's are plentiful and cost me £1 each at the scrappy. They work great.
The pins are numbered differently 1-5 instead of 85 etc the layout of the pins is the same as the Bosch relays.
Should be useful for anyone planning to make this improvement.
Link to original design by Bob Brown:
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