Technical Headlight relay mod

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Technical Headlight relay mod


Established member
Jan 19, 2008
I have recently fitted the insertable headlight relay looms designed by Bob Brown from xwebforum. My headlights are now A LOT better on dipped beam. I CAN ACTUALLY SEE where I'm going in the dark... :)

I found it difficult to find Bosch 30 amp relays as recommended and used by the design. When I did find them new they were about £10 each (4 needed) and scrap yards had none in any modern cars. I found the 30/40 amp fuse in ford fiesta's focus and Mondeo's are plentiful and cost me £1 each at the scrappy. They work great.

The pins are numbered differently 1-5 instead of 85 etc the layout of the pins is the same as the Bosch relays.

Should be useful for anyone planning to make this improvement.

Link to original design by Bob Brown:'s---
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Here's my efforts. Purchased most of the bits from Hong Kong etc through Amazon. Relay sockets, headlight plugs etc.


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Well done but a quick recommendation - get those wire joints soldered properly, it looks like they are just twisted together and then wrapped at the moment.

Don't you have a big bucket full of old mini-relays and sockets like every other cento owner I've come across?
Hey jimbro, they are soldered profusely with tape insulation. It would have liked to use heat shrink but I didn't bother.

I don't think any of the old cinq relays were the right rating / would have worked... :) ?

Do all cinq owners hoard parts?

Iv used the main heavy gauge brown and red wire from a cinq loom which is prefect. So the Brown wire mod is ready to instal when I get round to it.
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The relays in question (large and small) are rated at 30A minimum so the small relays would have worked...

As for hoarding - when it comes to car parts on older cars it is a strong survival trait :D

On my X1/9 I reused empty relay slots in the fusebox and carefully rerouted the wires so it all looked factory original. It actually proved easier than I thought it would *but* it was an early 1500 and I had lots of modular relay holders. All I had to do was make up a few short wires with suitable spade terminals that had the barb on the back to hold them in place. In the dim distant past I sent the details of the procedure to the owners club but I've no idea what happened to it and I left the club soon after.
That approach would have been nice, fitting it all to the relay board neatly. I have excess wiring and relays all over the place which isn't original - BUT I guess its removable and the headlights work. I can see!

Its a hassle to pass the bulb connectors through the rubber covers on the back of the headlights too.

the X fuse board kind of freaks me out to be honest! dont know why - i think its the old style fuses!
I'm considering adding a single relay to my late 1500, as my lights are exceedingly dim. I would like to house it in the fuse box, but I'm having a tough time finding a relay holder that clips onto the existing bracket. Does anyone have a clue which brand those holders are? Or which other cars/ trucks use them?
You could just get another similar flat or x1/9 fuse box from same era? I fitted the additional relays under the headlight pods but I must admit it would be nice keeping it completely stock under there. Its more work to do it that way...
Well, I've been furiously searching for FIAT fuse boxes, and it seems that Punto mk1, Bravo, Palio and maybe Panda classic used a similar socket. I'll keep you posted.