Grande Punto Grande Punto Dualogic Stuck in Neutral.

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Grande Punto Grande Punto Dualogic Stuck in Neutral.


New member
Apr 30, 2020
Hi everyone! My name is Santiago, I live in McKay, Australia. I recently bought a Fiat Pinto Grande 1.4L Petrol with a Dualogic Gearbox, it has 70.000 km only and is stuck in neutral. I took the gearbox out and I realised that the clutch fork was broken. I bought a new part that cost me $AUS 288 (lot of money for that part) I put the fork and armed the gearbox again to the engine. When I was going to turned it on, it doesn't work. Now the car simply doesn't start, it keeps showing me the text of: CHECK TRANSMISSION. Please I need your help! I cleaned the gearbox, I put it back again and it's still making problems.
Hi Santiago, welcome on board !!

The Dualogic controler has to acknowledge the start engine process. If it encounters an unrespected condition it won't authorize the starter to crank and pop the Check Transmission message up.

There are quite a few condition that are checked by the controller, one of them is the oil pressure. Obviously if there is no oil pressure the robot can't disengage clutch nor select any speed. When you open the (driver's) door, the pump should prime to the max regulated pressure and then stops. In a quiet place, open the bonnet, your ears and the door: you should clearly hear the pump running for a few seconds. If not you'll have to check fuse, relay, door contact etc. If it starts priming but doesn't stop, the pump might be dead. If it start AND stops normally, then you'll have to investigate further :-( ...

BRs, Bernie

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