General Glad to be back on the forum bought a mk2 Punto today what use reckon?

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General Glad to be back on the forum bought a mk2 Punto today what use reckon?


Mk2 Punto Sporting 1.2
Nov 18, 2008
Well i bought this today private buy!

Mk2 Fiat Punto
1.2 8v 2000 W Reg
69000 on the clock
12 Months MOT
6 Months Tax

Nice little motor cant wait to get stuck in and put some alloys on it and do it up so its looking nice like get the bumpers colour coded etc so what use people reckon? only problem is its running abit sluggish here and there like put my foot down there's nothing then all's of a sudden its gone i put some redex in and im going to change the spark plugs tomorrow then oil change and filter.


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i think its just clogged up with **** i took the air filter off and the carb was filthy so i give that a spray with carb cleaner etc so hopefully its okay does anyone know how to fit a cd player in one of these? and anyone selling decent set of alloys 16 or 17 inch!! please let me know!! (y)
Ahh sorry, didn't read your whole message.

Yeah, give it a good service, change the plugs and leads and you should get rid of the problem. If that doesn't work then get yourself a couple of new coil packs. That's the other normal cause for hesitation and misfiring on acceleration.

Oh, and it doesn't have a carb, it has fuel injection! What you can see is the throttle body. Carb cleaner's exactly the thing for it, sometimes a sticky throttle butterfly valve can play up, the carb cleaner should help clean it up.
If you clean the throttly body and move the butteryfly by hand, either disconnect the battery or take the keys out the ignition. If the throttle body cycles while your fingers are in there it might just eat them!

Otherwise, as Scoob said, new plugs and leads. Possibly the coil packs too.

Sounds like a fuelling problem to me, low fuel pressure or such. Might be worth seeing if you can get a fuel pressure test done.
Moosey moosey moosey, remember, BASICS FIRST!

I had almost exactly the same problem, and pulled most of the ignitio, induction and fuelling systems to pieces only to realise that the issue had been the spark plugs all along. I'd changed leads on up, including the coil packs, but hadn't thought to fit the four shiny new plugs that were nestling alongside the plug spanner in my toolbox!
Moosey moosey moosey, remember, BASICS FIRST!

I had almost exactly the same problem, and pulled most of the ignitio, induction and fuelling systems to pieces only to realise that the issue had been the spark plugs all along. I'd changed leads on up, including the coil packs, but hadn't thought to fit the four shiny new plugs that were nestling alongside the plug spanner in my toolbox!

Basics first.. fuel pressure test after if they don't fix it.. :)

Got a Nissan here today (2.2 turbodiesel) and it takes a little while to start up, unless you give it some throttle, when it kicks instantly. Fuelling, methinks.. Oh well, it's getting a new wheel bearing instead!
Move the clip a couple of notches up the throttle cable! It'll idle a little quicker but should sort the starting! ;)
Move the clip a couple of notches up the throttle cable! It'll idle a little quicker but should sort the starting! ;)

I'm just gonna leave it the hell alone. I don't think the lift pump kicks until your turn it over. New wheel bearing Saturday morning, then i got to go off at 12 to go fix a tractor. Never a dull moment.

p.s. Sorry about the thread hijack.
right i give the butterfly valve and the area a good blast with some carb cleaner ermmm the MAF sensor wasnt connected cause the nozzle had snapped off so i went and got another whipped that on going to put new spark plugs in in the morning just took it on motorway 100mph no problem :) ermm does anyone know how to fit the cd player in? also whats the best alloys to get for the mk2?
right i give the butterfly valve and the area a good blast with some carb cleaner ermmm the MAF sensor wasnt connected cause the nozzle had snapped off so i went and got another whipped that on going to put new spark plugs in in the morning just took it on motorway 100mph no problem :) ermm does anyone know how to fit the cd player in? also whats the best alloys to get for the mk2?

Hope you mean that private road you have that's nicknamed "The Motorway" ;)

The origional cd player comes out with 'U' shaped release keys (or a coathanger) in each of the 4 holes in the front. Then you need a facia before you fit the aftermarket cage and headunit. Just slots in.

As for alloys, either mk2 sporting, or mk2b sporting/active sport alloys ;)
ive got the original blancpaut or however you spell it tape player in i want to remove it and put my own cd player innit....

is anyone selling a decent set of alloys ?? :yum:
sorted !!! changed the spark plugs they were absolutley mankey they had rust all over them etc soo hopefully its sorted the problem out it drives alot better