Getting seriously narked!

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Getting seriously narked!



What is it with drivers and lanes? Does a white line mean nothing? Can people just not see them? Is it me imagining these large painted white lines seperating the lanes vehicles drive down? Why do people think that because they haven't turned the wheel they are in thier lane! And even when you have a go at them they still think they are right! ARRRRRGH

Anyway, just had to get that off my chest!

Plus, why can people only move to the right on the motorway? Two empty lanes and they still sit in the outside lane at 60! I'm thinking of approaching the government with a new campaign. Take some of the endless funding from the 'don't speed so that stupid little brats who are too thick to realise that they are walking infront of a 2 tonne steel object travelling at 40mph don't get run over' and put it in a 'Don't be the **** infront' campaign where drivers who do this are identified and made to get the bus. It would reduce road rage, relieve congestion and improve public transport. The only exception to the rule would be drivers who sit there until you have brakes from 90 to 60, then pull over. These people should be issued a special license and paid to do this to any silver golf tdi's, gti's or new bmw 3 series (especially de-badged 318's) as anyone who drives these cars are tit's that need to be run off the road.

If this campaign offends anyone then you are obviously one of the people with which it is aimed and should tear up your driving license and get a bus pass now!

(Sorry for the rant, i hate my journey to work :) )
Re: Re: Getting seriously narked!

can we add a few things to it as well such as

people who overtake you in the middle lane doing 70, then they cut back in front of you and do 65mph forseing you to overtake them !!!!! infuriates me.

or when i am diving in the middle at 70 people that overtake me on the outside (which is completly clear) and then cut back in doing 70mph only 2 or 3 car lengths in front of me !! AARRAAHHHHHHHHH they could have just stayed in the outside for another 30 sec or min and been a good 7 or 8 car lengths in front easily, ******s !!!!

people who drive at 20mph in a 30 at 11:00pm on empty roads !!!!!!

people who drive with fogs in daylight !

three spoke alloys !!!

if there is a turn right only lane and a stright on lane with a queue people drive in the right lane only lane and then indicate left when they get to the bottom and some dozey cow in a ford ka thinks "aww they were in the wrong lane, bless em" and lets them in !!!!!!! ******s !!!!

ok my rant over.

punishment for all those offences :- castration !!! harsh but fair. and if it is a woman commiting those crimes she should have the word "tit" tatooed on her forehead for all to see for eternity !

Re: Re: Re: Getting seriously narked!

or worse than peole doing 20 in a 30 at 11 at night (as they are probably drunk) are people who do 40 in the 60 where you can't overtake, then when you get to the nice clear 30 they carry on at 40!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Getting seriously narked!

That's my favorite. Or the c**t in the Sierra (sorry, harking back to my yoof, it's the Mondeo now) that sits up your ARSE at 90 on a single carriageway on your way back from Sunny-Hunny with a constant stream of traffic coming the other way! If I'd wanted fukkin up the ARSE I'd have asked you nicely BITCH, now BACK-OFF!!

Sorry, wrong meeting....

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now come on Al, noone likes someone who's a giver and not a taker!
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Tell that to ya mama! I did last night.


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so that's who left me sloppy seconds!
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You'd fit in well in the Fens mate.

"I'd like you to meet my wife and my sister."

"There only be one woman!"


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i grew up near owston ferry and west butterwick. Everyone is everyone elses brother/sister/shag piece! The only way i managed to find a girl that i wasn't related to was because i wasn't born round there!
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Ah but we've got "Grunty Fen", Shingay-cum-Wendy" and "Gorefield". I know gorefiled don't sound particularly wierd but you should see the webbing! And the quality of the six-toe sock industry is amazing.....

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It's one of my pet peeves too.

I find that when I am on my bike and get behind a '**** in front' they soon get out of they way, yet in my Bravo they just wont fecking move.
I think it's the 'I'm doing 75 so why would anyone want to go faster' mentality.

The funniest is when the middle lane is empty and they move out of the way to let you past. You then look in the mirror and they have moved back into the outside lane, why?

Fog lights when it's not foggy is a right pain in the arse. Some dozy bint put her rear fogs on yesterday cos it was slightly raining. FFS fog lights are for when its FOGGY!!!
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I follwed a car onto the M25 at about 4am, we were the only 2 cars in sight, nothing on the other carriageway even, yet the dozy sod still pulled into the middle lane doing 60mph.

I just thought 'sod this' and undertook.
some stupid bint pulled out on me at a residential area junction yesterday, wasn't a close thing until a realised she got both feet caught in the glove box while staring in the vanity mirror (AKA rear view mirror). I was doing 30, she was doing 3. The bag of bolts was going so slow that a cyclist under took us both at which point i started to flash her, not because she was being a 'C*nt in front' (genius) but because her fog light was on and blinding me. Of course she saw this as me getting shirty and put her foot down.
I regularly fear for the safety of me and my Bravo.

....and breathe!

give me ambiguity or give me something else

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