What is it with drivers and lanes? Does a white line mean nothing? Can people just not see them? Is it me imagining these large painted white lines seperating the lanes vehicles drive down? Why do people think that because they haven't turned the wheel they are in thier lane! And even when you have a go at them they still think they are right! ARRRRRGH
Anyway, just had to get that off my chest!
Plus, why can people only move to the right on the motorway? Two empty lanes and they still sit in the outside lane at 60! I'm thinking of approaching the government with a new campaign. Take some of the endless funding from the 'don't speed so that stupid little brats who are too thick to realise that they are walking infront of a 2 tonne steel object travelling at 40mph don't get run over' and put it in a 'Don't be the **** infront' campaign where drivers who do this are identified and made to get the bus. It would reduce road rage, relieve congestion and improve public transport. The only exception to the rule would be drivers who sit there until you have brakes from 90 to 60, then pull over. These people should be issued a special license and paid to do this to any silver golf tdi's, gti's or new bmw 3 series (especially de-badged 318's) as anyone who drives these cars are tit's that need to be run off the road.
If this campaign offends anyone then you are obviously one of the people with which it is aimed and should tear up your driving license and get a bus pass now!
(Sorry for the rant, i hate my journey to work
Anyway, just had to get that off my chest!
Plus, why can people only move to the right on the motorway? Two empty lanes and they still sit in the outside lane at 60! I'm thinking of approaching the government with a new campaign. Take some of the endless funding from the 'don't speed so that stupid little brats who are too thick to realise that they are walking infront of a 2 tonne steel object travelling at 40mph don't get run over' and put it in a 'Don't be the **** infront' campaign where drivers who do this are identified and made to get the bus. It would reduce road rage, relieve congestion and improve public transport. The only exception to the rule would be drivers who sit there until you have brakes from 90 to 60, then pull over. These people should be issued a special license and paid to do this to any silver golf tdi's, gti's or new bmw 3 series (especially de-badged 318's) as anyone who drives these cars are tit's that need to be run off the road.
If this campaign offends anyone then you are obviously one of the people with which it is aimed and should tear up your driving license and get a bus pass now!
(Sorry for the rant, i hate my journey to work