Technical Gearbox broken?!

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Technical Gearbox broken?!

Apr 1, 2024
Hello all,

I am having my first major car drama. When I went to pull up and straighten my parking I put the once trusty panda into first gear but it went straight the gate. It is now stuck in reverse so I can not even tow it away. Any tips on what to do/ how to get it into neutral/ how much £££ might it be???

Thank you all
Hello all,

I am having my first major car drama. When I went to pull up and straighten my parking I put the once trusty panda into first gear but it went straight the gate. It is now stuck in reverse so I can not even tow it away. Any tips on what to do/ how to get it into neutral/ how much £££ might it be???

Thank you all
Are we talking manual or auto? If auto I know nothing:)
If manual does the gear lever feel loose, slack etc. If so it may be cable related as cables often break.
If possible with engine safely switched off, looking at top of gearbox hopefully you will see two cables that move the selectors outside the gearbox. One moves the side to side gate when you are inside the car and the other does the forward and back , so first/neutral/second or third/ neutral/fourth etc. So if you are lucky you may move them to the central position i.e. neutral by waggling both levers at the same time, as one is probably jamming the other. Rocking the car at the same time may help.
If this doesn't work even after as a last resort you disconnect the cables from the gear levers at the box then it sounds more internal in the gearbox which is obviously a pain.
Depending on skill levels you may be able to remove the gear selector cover and move it internally into neutral to move the vehicle although either way the gearbox will require a major rebuild.
From a garage point of view for towing, if it is just a case of dragging it onto a transporter, they may do just that, although by using a garage trolley jack to lift one wheel the car should be mobile as the diff gears will turn then allowing car to be loaded depending on access to your property etc.
Price wise if just cables you may get pattern ones for under a £100+ fitting, however gearbox removal and overhaul plus vehicle recovery could put the price nearer to £1k so ouch! I am retired now so only very rough estimate, others on Forum can advise better.:)
If it's a manual gearbox

Back of the battery

Access is a little tight

Here I am moving the gearbox selector lever, without removing anything, I really have to jam my arm in

Much easier with the battery tray removed

Only this lever needs to be vertical, for the car to be in neutral


As in this photo
Bad luck. Agree with the above, sounds like a cable snapped as you moved the lever.

Would be good to confirm as above if you can. The two cables pop off the gearbox if you can reach them.

Fairly common fault. New pair of cables not expensive.

Can the car be left where it is to be repaired? Or will it need to be towed away?

I'd say it's DIY for someone comfortable with car maintenance.

Otherwise find a good mobile mechanic, not a big job.