General Fitting a TURBO! to a 1.1 55s Punto

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General Fitting a TURBO! to a 1.1 55s Punto

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I drive a punto 1.1 55s
May 19, 2009
I was just wondering what do i need to fit a turbo to my 1.1 55s punto is it an easy job if so what turbo should i get what turbo should i get.
do you really need to fit a turbo?? and is there really any point as its only a 1.1 it would give better gains and probably cheaper insurance getting a bigger engined car.
do you really need to fit a turbo?? and is there really any point as its only a 1.1 it would give better gains and probably cheaper insurance getting a bigger engined car.

yes i do want to fit a turbo and bigger engines are more on insurance as this punto is my first car and it only cost £500 fully comp on my fist year
it be ok I wont tell the insurance company :)
:nono::nono::nono: and what about if you have a crash? you wont get a pay out and will have to pay for all damage out of your own pocket. also its illegal as effectively your insurance will be void therefore driving without insurance.
its not really the attitude to have.
it be ok I wont tell the insurance company :)

Might aswell not bother paying the insurance then, as that £500 will get you no cover if you have a crash, and don't think that only counts if you hit someone; if a car were to hit you and their insurance found your cover to be void then they won't be paying out.

Further in that scenario you will be prosecuted for invalid insurance etc, or if you are pulled over and the police decide to inspect the car vs the insurance cover.
Why bother!!!! Get a faster car!!! 60BHP punto. Just get a 1.2 16v 85 Sporting... way fast enough for a bit of fun! quick as a 1.6/1.8!
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