Technical Fiat remote control programming

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Technical Fiat remote control programming


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Jul 30, 2024
Good afternoon,

I bought a Fiat Stilo and the remote control is not working. The previous owner gave me a CODE Card, but the multiscan says that the code is wrong.

The previous owner does not know if the card belongs to this car or to a Fiat 500 that he owned for a while.
Does anyone know how to get the code to program the remote control?


The multiscan says that the Ecco has 168,000KM and the dashboard 220,00. Is there a possibility that the dashboard and the keys were changed? If this is the case, how can I get the programming code for the key?
Fiat dealer gave me my electronic codes free of charge recent ish ly. All my cars have a difference in teh dash reading and the ECU and its enough to look odd. I think your is just about at the same level but 25% is a bit wide even for Fiat.
In Portugal they ask me for €100 to provide an A4 sheet with the codes.
Wow thats a bit of a liberty. I think a goodlocksmith might be your best bet they can get around these things and make a lower charge
After contacting about 6 fiat dealers, one of them provided me with the codes for free. I just had to prove that I owned the car.
I ended up giving €15 to the employee and I was able to get the command to work via Multiecuscan.
After contacting about 6 fiat dealers, one of them provided me with the codes for free. I just had to prove that I owned the car.
I ended up giving €15 to the employee and I was able to get the command to work via Multiecuscan.
Really pleased you got a result. I need to get the codes for our latest Pandas so we can get some additional remote controllers so I shall have to do the same again. I think this info should be supplied in the cars documents but sadly its not
Realmente satisfeito que você tenha obtido um resultado. Preciso obter os códigos para nossos últimos Pandas para que possamos obter alguns controles remotos adicionais, então terei que fazer o mesmo novamente. Acho que essas informações devem ser fornecidas nos documentos dos carros, mas infelizmente não são

Pelo que pesquisei, eles não eram fornecidos somente na Inglaterra. Em Portugal, todos os carros eram acompanhados de um cartão com os códigos, mas com o passar dos anos eles foram perdidos.