Carado being part of the Hymer family, the electrics will almost certainly be Schaudt (now Lippert).
The fuse for the step itself will be in the EBL (if marked in German, it will be "Tritstuffe"), but if the step is working correctly, both in and out, it's unlikely to be that. (the most common cause of problems is the switch you've already lubricated, but that would potentially have step effects as well as the buzzer).
I'm not sure there is a separate fuse for the buzzer. As for the buzzer itself, the easiest way to find it is by following the noise, but..........
. Patently it needs to be relatively close to the driver. Your'e probably looking for something like the picture below, stuck somewhere with double-sided tape, and not always immediately visible. As a first try, I'd look under both driver and passenger's seats, a common location. It's not been unknown to stick it behind the lower dash panels. (If you locate it, you should be able to test it).
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