Technical fiat cinq 1.1and punto elx 75 gearbox

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Technical fiat cinq 1.1and punto elx 75 gearbox


Mar 18, 2013
hello. having got a 'spare' 1.1 engine that il be rebuilding aswell as a 866 cam,i wondered if anyone knew whether the gearbox from a punto elx 75bhp would fit the 1.1 as the ratio for gear 5 seems to be longer.
also, would the TB swap over easy enough onto the cinq? does anyone have any info on how to change the TB,i couldnt find any how-to's. and last but not least does anyone know if theres a 4-2-1 inlet and exhaust manifold that would increase flow nicely. any info would be great. thanks!
55 and 60 aren't the same, there should be 2mm difference, but you often find them to have the wrong one, or at least i do whenever i go to the scrappies. Can't remember if the P75 is larger still, i think it might be a few mm bigger but don't quote me on that one.

4-2-1 wise there is only really supersprint ones, for which you'll have to be very quick if you see one 2nd hand fo sale or get your wallet out for a new one.
ok.thanks for the info!do you know if the punto elx 75 TB is bigger than the cinq 1.1?i might just port and polish the elx head and stick that on. iv tried looking for a uno inlet with no luck. il probably email sportex for ex mani dimensions,make sure itl fit.
i meant a supersprint manifold. ive got too many modded cars, i lose track!
the tb's come into halves (the lower half is technically the tb but the whole thing is usually referred to as the tb). If you look at your 1.1 tb you'll see it has the injector in it whereas the P75 tb (thats all models of P75, be it an elx or whatever - they are just trim levels) don't have an injector so you need to use the top half from the 1.1, i have never tried this but its doable and there is some threads on it somewhere if you have a search.

I don't think you can stick the whole P75 head on the 1.1, you need a 1242 bottom end like the P75 has or it won't time up properly - not 100% on that though, maybe with the 1108 top pulley it would work... someone will know, confirm or correct me please people!

If i were you i would take the P75 cam and fit that to the cinq head, get it skimmed to raise compression a bit but not to the max line incase you need to skim again for some reason. Leave the TB, or buy a 32mm one from scrappies (only £5 at my local place) and keep your eyes peeled for a tricker 40mm in the classifieds on here, sometimes on ebay too. Alternatively you could ask a local machine shop how much to sleeve and bore yours out to 40mm, I have seen trickers snapped up for £100 so if its near there or under go for it.

Of course though, there is so many options you don't have to follow that at all, you could just get a 1242 bottom end and use the p75 head and do a full P75 engine conversion (again a search will bring up some threads). That right away will give you 75bhp instead of 54bhp, will go very nicely.
thanks for the help. do you know if id have to change the loom if i was to change the block to 1.2?
is a tricker a tb that puts air into each cylinder rather than 1 entry spread to each? im not entirely sure if ive actualy got the 75 was from a mpi elx 8 valve but i cant see a cam number on it anywhere. if i think of anymore questions il post:)
Wiring you would have to change to the 18f ecu which is the 75 ecu, or you can wire the spi loom to an mpi system by putting the injection loom in parallel lol

The 18f bank fires injectors anyway the 18fd ecu is semi sequential firing but is for the 85 engine not 75 but it should work??

If you change ecu you will have to change the code box and key as well, I think the puntos use different pins on the D4 connector which would require modification also.
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sounds a bit of a gave a think. couldnt i have a 1.2 running spi as the mpi part is inlet manifold related?
ah i see.thanks for explaining go get the mpi manifold then.
hello again.does anyone know what exact model an uno 45 manifold is from and has any joy with them,much power increase from better airflow?