Technical fao anyone who has put hids in there bravos need a bit of info

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Technical fao anyone who has put hids in there bravos need a bit of info

have you uprated the fuse from the stock 7.5 to 15?
my dad has as the owners book states but right side keeps blowing the left side is fine anyone have the same problem ?

No I haven't ( fitted HIDs ) but..........

If the old bulbs didn't blow the 7.5A fuse, and the LH is OK on 15A, it suggests that either the HID lamp or ballast is faulty, or somewhere a wire has been damaged. 15 amps on 12 volts is 180 watts. That should be enough to fire up a 90W HID bulb at least.

To troubleshoot, the simplest way would be to swap bulbs, then swap ballasts. When the problem moves you've found the cause.
Just out of interest? Is your HID kit powered from the OEM loom then? - As I have never come across one like this. Every one I have seen/fitted is powered directly from the battery and only uses the OEM loom to switch the relay on/off.

we have swaped the right side to the left then it blew the left one so its the ballast at fault

its powered off the loom

ive got hids cheaper kit on my civic from the same place and had no problems with them at all there powered off the car loom
my dad got the more expensive kit for newer cars which said it wouldnt mess with the electrical system :rolleyes:

so asked the company who sold them to exchange them for the cheaper ones like mine as someone off here has put them on his car and had no problems
just waiting on an email back from them