Technical Exhaust noise query

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Technical Exhaust noise query


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Hi guys just a brief question. I've got a noise from my exhaust on my 3dr stilo. I have a slight blow on the exhaust.. not sure where it is coming from but i think it is where the back box joins. The main concern is a ratlle i get a low rpm because the exhaust moves quite a lot. seems to be a rattle on the heat sheild towards the back. The rubbers are intact but there is a fair bit of movement on the exhaust i'm not that happy with. Any suggestions, or is this common?

p.s. it had a complete new exhaust about a year ago and has only done under 10k on the new exhaust.

Another issue to sort on my car is a very still (ouside) door handle on the passenger side. At the moment i'm tending to open from inside the car since its too stiff.
It's worth considering replacing the rubbers (particularly the one holding up the rear box). It can look OK on a cursory inspection, but when you get it off, you'll find it's seriuosly perished!
Sounds like the rubber is worn and its ratter ling around. I would agree with Yellow ^^
Thanks i may do that this weekend. Shall i just order from Fiat or would you suggest a different option? My main concern is the wobble on the flex at the front since i don't want to have to get another new exhaust!
I'm sure repositioning the clamp will stop the blowing too albeit very slight.