General Excellent weekend

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General Excellent weekend

Mar 27, 2004
West Cumbria
What an excellent Weekend, started off filling the car with just about as many tools as I could fit as well as some other bit's n pieces and a Bonnet, then at 6.45am Set off in a Southerly direction (in my dixon of dock green voice) Meeting Tony M just off the M6 in Lancashire.

A few things were passed including a bit of chat, a bit of Gossip and a Bonnet then the usual stand n pose pic.

One other thing that I had packed was 2 4x4 Sisley Door stickers which I planned to give to Jaff-fox, however unbeknown to me the little black bitch in the background of the Pic (below) was quite happily chewing it to pieces whilst engaged in deep & meaningfull conversation with Tony :( The full Story was that the bonnet was packed carefully with all sorts which when removed the dogs had pleasure in running about the grass with, unfortunately I placed the logo's next to the packing.....Do'H.

Tony it was a pleasure to Meet you and your lovely erm wife/gf ? sorry I never asked but lovely she was :D

Anyway onto Netherton in West Yorks to meet a very good friend (aka fish) which was quickly followed by much drink, a mexican resturant and more drink (non alchoholic for me).

Morning saw particularly poor weather but was brightened considerably by a typical West Yorks Breakfast Mmmmmmmm! this fueled myself n fish for the task at hand, so left Netherton and arrived in Stockport at about 10.40 to meet Jaff-fox aka Chris at the home of his poorly Panda.

The Poorly Panda was still looking poorly so the remedy to this was quickly administered. The prescription for which was out with the old & in with the new. Everyone worked hard to get the poorly panda in shape and after a few hours and a few brew's (Jaff only had to be reminded once though :) ) the old engine & gearbox was out and the new one was in.

It was an apprehensive moment when Jaff was asked to turn the engine over and nothing happened the engine turned but nada nothing no life whatsoever :( a bit of scratching heads thought there may not be a spark so as Jaff went off to find a spare spark plug to test, one of the more experienced crew realised that the ignition plug for the electronic ignition had no plug attached he of course had worked mainly underneith the car and had nothing to do with this part of the opperation :p

So Jaff was asked again to start the car and after just a couple of turns a cough & splutter were followed by VROOOOOOOOM and the engine burst into life achieving it's one & only aim in life to make a poorly panda happy again :D

It was a marvelous day, which I thoroughly enjoyed and seeing the engine run just about as it should was a very satisfying end to it. I have to thank Fish especially being an admin member of our BMW site had no hesitation in helping whatsoever which has always been his way and is just one of those Top blokes you count as priviliged to being a friend. Jaff/Chris it was a pleasure to meet you and work with you and I'm as pleased as you are that it all went well. I thank you so much for the bumper it will be in place just as soon as I find the time to fit it.

The last leg of the Journey was returning to West Yorks and was again fueled to the brim with legendary cooking, I don't think I will be able to eat for at least a week.

So there you have it an excellent weekend another 500 miles driven in the panda and some more friends made, what more could you ask (y)

Unfortunately I wasn't able to take pics of the engine opperation as my hands were a little on the oily side so hopefully Jaff will be able to add to this part. I'm also expecting a full how to on the engine & gearbox removal by Jaff shortly (I hope he was paying attention) :D :D


  • Panda meet.JPG
    Panda meet.JPG
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Good to know a panda 4x4 has been saved (y). I was planning on joining you on the trip, but i have put my petrol money towards going to Glasgow on Tuesday for some punto wheels (not forgetting to take my AA card, just in case :)).
wow I really hope mikeyboy wants to sell me his panda, they sound so easy to work on! (more accustomed to working on peugeots, specifically GTIs), enine out and in in a day, corr magic :)
Actually I was going to start this topic last night.. but I felt rather ill again and ended up going to bed after you folks left :/
I cannot express my gratitude enough to you and Fish for what you did. You came all this way to help a total stranger and basically did all the work (I felt rather useless). I cannot think of another word for you two apart from heros!!

I finally got the energy up to put the rest of the bits back on the car and fill the gearbox, tighten the wheel bolts etc. I took it for a spin and it felt fantastic, like a new car!! That gearbox is 100% better than the old one. You guys are da bomb!

Remember if you ever need an extra pair of hands give me a shout!
And as promised heres the pictures I took




I'm well chuffed!!! :D :D
Our pleasure Chris.....I forgot just how dirty I got, I'm glad no-one got any pics of me driving back to fish's half naked :) I was shi**ing myself incase we got stopped. Two big blokes in a panda and one not wearing much, we could have changed the status of the panda overnight :D :D

Anyway you were left the hardest job of cleaning the drive :D
Alan.D said:
Our pleasure Chris.....I forgot just how dirty I got, I'm glad no-one got any pics of me driving back to fish's half naked :) I was shi**ing myself incase we got stopped. Two big blokes in a panda and one not wearing much, we could have changed the status of the panda overnight :D :D

And word would probably have gotten back to your colleagues about your escapades ;)