Technical Engine Swapped.....

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Technical Engine Swapped.....

Apr 3, 2007
Right im now on my third engine for the punto and im having a few problems with the engine this time round, only teething problems i hope.

I went out to the pub tuesday night got there fine with no problems the engine was running fine, however when i came to leave the engine fired and moved but had no power what-so-everand after about 20 yards cut out.

I turned round and went back to my mates at the pub and we stood trying to figure it out for around an hour with it getting worse everytime the engine was started asif it was being starved of something.

Basically when i turn the engine over it will start if i hold my foot firmly down on the throttle and it will only idle with my foot all the way down on the throttle, however when i say idle i mean that it stays lumpy and misfires etc and as soon as i take my foot off the throttle it will cut out.

Now i have checked the fuel pump and fuel rail and there is plenty of fuel getting there, plugs and leads are fine, coilpacks are fine.

I had the AA bloke do a diagostic check on it and it came up with "Cam sensor failure" and "O2 sensor failure" he said just replace the cam sensor and the problem should be solved, i have now replaced it and it still does the same thing.

It does seem asif its not getting enough air mixing with the fuel but i cant be sure as im still a novice when it comes to engines.

So my question is, will changing the 'MAP' sensor solve this problem?
Do the lambda sensor's have anything to do with this problem?
Is there anything else that could be causing this problem?

Any help is much appriciated!
Clean the throttle body if the engine management light isn't on (y)
All should be good then. But check the timing is right on it using the flywheel markings and not the crankshaft markings. My car kept doing this untill I found out the timing was out. Re-timed it and problem solved!
I'd replace the lambda sensor aswell. O2 sensor is the lambda sensor
When I've had those symptoms in the past its been because the engine is flooded (with fuel). Never happened on my Punto before though. Just have to run it a while with foot to floor and it sorts itself out.

Just an idea, but if your lambda is sending out dodgey signals it may be squirting too much juice in? If you disconnect the faulty lambda (or both) the ECU goes back to default fuel/air mixture.
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So it could be timing or the lambda sensor, or both then?

So lets say i disconnect the lambda, does it take it assume there isnt one there at all?

And is it possible to re-time while the engine is still in the car?

Thanks alot for the input so far guys!
no dont like looking at mens legs.
i went maxpower live when england was playing in 2006, was great girls every where and all the blokes had buggered off to watch football so those of us left had them all to our selves:D

I'm afraid when the match is over I'll have to come and take them off your hands then! :p shouldn't be too hard! (y)