I cannot give a definitive answer, and there are so many variables, that this thread brings to mind lines of the the Johnny Cash song, "I stole it one piece at a time"
The transmission was a '53
And the motor was a '73
And when we offered it up, the holes were all gone.
I don't know if the mounts etc. are identical, but maybe a 2.8jtd will be better, and is non canbus too. So wiring may be a little easier if so?
I think that the above is a good suggestion because the 2.8jtd is derived from the 2.8idTD, so there is a good possibility of a fit.
However, I surmise that the OP is interested in the higher torque offered by the later engines, with the 180 offering 400 Nm at only 1400 rpm.
The later engines are developed from the 2.3jtd, from which was available as an option on x244, and earlier Ducatos, so some possibility there.
It seems to me that there are at least three factors to consider for the mechanical fitment. These are the location of the mounting holes in the engine block, the antivibration mountings, and the mounting points on the base vehicle.
Have any of these changed over time, particularly on vehicles manufactured from 2006 onwards?
If the design has changed, could a 180 engine be made to fit by using 2.3jtd mountings?
Would the drive shafts line up with the wheels, at an acceptable angle?