Technical Engine light at 80mph

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Technical Engine light at 80mph


New member
Mar 3, 2009
My punto elx 51 reg's Engine management light has started flashing whenever i hit 80ish mph. Doesnt seem to come on while driving slow around town but because i do a lot of motorway driving up and down the country this is going to be a problem.

Anyone have any ideas of what it could be and how to remedy it?
thats pretty hard to do on a 320mile drive and that still wouldnt solve the problem especially where there arent speed limits ;)

After taking the car out again i've found that the problem is more to do with revving over 3000rpm and not to do with the speed. So whenever i go over 3000rpm the engine management light comes on.
I had a similar problem, the light flashed a few times on long motorway drives but went away as I eased off. Never really found out the cause and according the manual it means either misfire or possible damage to the catalytic converter,

i changed my spark plugs, cleaned the throttle body and thought about changing my ht leads but they looked quite newish. This seems to have cured the problem for now at least.

hope that is some help,
just make sure you get a model specific one not a general universal one as well as many that universal are sh*t compared with specific ones....