East Kilbride Modified Car Nite

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East Kilbride Modified Car Nite

East Kilbride Modified Car Nite
Posted by della1star
Glasgow meet v Eastkilbride
Monday, May 25, 2009 - 01:00 AM
Until: Monday, May 25, 2009 - 04:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


New member
May 7, 2007
Ello for those of you who wish to meet up and go for a wee drive over to east kilbride to have a wee look around the modified cars, 7:30pm at the quay, details of the exact location within east kilbride are still to be given to me, anyone wishing to attend is most welcome...................................................................................................................................The more the merrier,also bring yer mates doesnt matter what they drive, within reason! xax
Hey yo,

It gets very very very busy i suggest we actually get there for around 6.30 ish!

So meeting at the quay for 5.45 pm and leave at 6pm would be sensible!

And is on coming Thursday 28 May.

The venue is at the EK shopping centre car park.

Was wondering for a minute there about the date of this :p

Don't think I'll be able to make it along though. Got dealt a bit of a financial blow today in terms of numerous bills all coming at once. Shall be counting the pennies this month unfortunately, which means bugger all driving or anything else outside of getting to and from work :(

Hope you's have a good one though and when I do find some funds, I'll certainly try my best to make an appearance and persuade some others to perhaps make an appearance :)