PC Vehicle Movements
As you may of read from previous posts about the issues i have had since December regarding fault codes PO401 no engine light and PO402 limp mode Engine light activated
I was advised to take to Fiat for a software update which would resolve this issue and improve drivability this was carried but on inspection Fiat found the Engine oil was loaded with soot even though it had been recently serviced
Intercooler loaded with soot
Soot passing the DPF
Injectors Knackered
Fiat quoted between £6-£8k to fix the problem which i refused
Any way i embarked on fixing this my self with lots of help from whine0
First i removed Injectors and had them tested result completely destroyed so a Brand new set was purchased from a diesel specialist and friend £560 + vat (mates rates)
whilst these were away being tested stripped out the intake system intercooler and EGR valve and pipe work and cleaned as heavily contaminated with soot and carbon build up also changed the EGR valve this was purchased from coastal motorhomes £119 +vat also changed the MAP sensor as this had a big ball of carbon fouling it all put back together and not much improvement some days it would run spot on the next limp mode PO402 air intake meter faulty and PO401 high pressure EGR blocked with no engine light this fault also stopped the DPF regenerating stopped EGR airflow monitoring and the EGR exclusion valve from working
I found out that if i disconnected the MAF sensor that i would not get any more PO402 fault/Limp mode and it drove loads better better MPG and power but still the PO401 fault code
I presumed the MAF sensor was at fault but soon found out that disconnecting the MAF puts the fueling into OPEN circuit mode a default setting in the ECU which will keep the vehicle operating if the MAF fails this OPEN circuit is also used on wide open throttle acceleration..and closed loop when driving normally fuel trim adjusted by O2 sensor and MAF The reason why i thought the MAF sensor is because of the PO402 fault and miss matched Desired air flow readings (causing fuel trim to be rich and O2 sensor trying to lean it off) from live data i collected on Multiscan so ordered a new one from Coastal motorhomes £161+vat that was replaced this week which seemed to make an improvement no PO402 fault/Limp mode for the few days i drove it but still the PO401 high pressure EGR blocked by this time i knew when this fault had been stored but not put the check engine light on as the Instant consumption was all over the place irractic power and pinking knocking sound from the engine also surging at a steady throttle like being pushed from behind this sensation was seen on live data which show the fuel trim on the injectors going wild this when the pinking knocking sound happened the Fuel usage dropped considerably as soon as the the injector fuel trim came back to a normal level this when i got the feeling of being pushed up the backside them the Fuel usage shot up from 16mpg to 40mpg ( so that ruled the MAF out)
I had complained about this surging to fiat from when i bought it brand-new my thoughts are this is what caused the injectors to fail (possibly faulty EGR valve )
Yesterday we removed the EGR valve cooler this as now been moved to the back of the engine underneath the turbo to get access to it you have to remove the subframe steering rack and DPF the cooler as a fine gauze fitted internally which was covered with thick flap of soot/sticky carbon which was blocking restricting HIGH pressure egr gases not enough to cause a full PO401 fault but an intermittent fault so goes unseen but causes a lot of damage to the intake and exhaust system also injectors
I had purchased a new EGR cooler which i had to get from FIAT at £250+vat the replacement took 6hrs to do from start to finish
i then reset the injectors egr valve and maf sensors as if new and took for 100 mile test drive a mixture roads
Result all problems solved its running the best its ever done since new and averaged 36mpg on the test run ive never been able to get it above 29mpg whether loaded or unloaded driven carefully or thrashed before
Luckily i don't think the DPF as been damaged with the soot as its now doing regens normally and showing NOT GLOGGED and the last timed i looked this morning it was at 20% soot loading only thing left to do is get the O2 sensors checked to see if they are reading correctly as they could be contaminated with the high soot loading if faulty this also affect the Injector fuel trim settings
Hopefully i can get back to earning and not spending it all
hope this info is of use to anyone
I was advised to take to Fiat for a software update which would resolve this issue and improve drivability this was carried but on inspection Fiat found the Engine oil was loaded with soot even though it had been recently serviced
Intercooler loaded with soot
Soot passing the DPF
Injectors Knackered
Fiat quoted between £6-£8k to fix the problem which i refused
Any way i embarked on fixing this my self with lots of help from whine0
First i removed Injectors and had them tested result completely destroyed so a Brand new set was purchased from a diesel specialist and friend £560 + vat (mates rates)
whilst these were away being tested stripped out the intake system intercooler and EGR valve and pipe work and cleaned as heavily contaminated with soot and carbon build up also changed the EGR valve this was purchased from coastal motorhomes £119 +vat also changed the MAP sensor as this had a big ball of carbon fouling it all put back together and not much improvement some days it would run spot on the next limp mode PO402 air intake meter faulty and PO401 high pressure EGR blocked with no engine light this fault also stopped the DPF regenerating stopped EGR airflow monitoring and the EGR exclusion valve from working
I found out that if i disconnected the MAF sensor that i would not get any more PO402 fault/Limp mode and it drove loads better better MPG and power but still the PO401 fault code
I presumed the MAF sensor was at fault but soon found out that disconnecting the MAF puts the fueling into OPEN circuit mode a default setting in the ECU which will keep the vehicle operating if the MAF fails this OPEN circuit is also used on wide open throttle acceleration..and closed loop when driving normally fuel trim adjusted by O2 sensor and MAF The reason why i thought the MAF sensor is because of the PO402 fault and miss matched Desired air flow readings (causing fuel trim to be rich and O2 sensor trying to lean it off) from live data i collected on Multiscan so ordered a new one from Coastal motorhomes £161+vat that was replaced this week which seemed to make an improvement no PO402 fault/Limp mode for the few days i drove it but still the PO401 high pressure EGR blocked by this time i knew when this fault had been stored but not put the check engine light on as the Instant consumption was all over the place irractic power and pinking knocking sound from the engine also surging at a steady throttle like being pushed from behind this sensation was seen on live data which show the fuel trim on the injectors going wild this when the pinking knocking sound happened the Fuel usage dropped considerably as soon as the the injector fuel trim came back to a normal level this when i got the feeling of being pushed up the backside them the Fuel usage shot up from 16mpg to 40mpg ( so that ruled the MAF out)
I had complained about this surging to fiat from when i bought it brand-new my thoughts are this is what caused the injectors to fail (possibly faulty EGR valve )
Yesterday we removed the EGR valve cooler this as now been moved to the back of the engine underneath the turbo to get access to it you have to remove the subframe steering rack and DPF the cooler as a fine gauze fitted internally which was covered with thick flap of soot/sticky carbon which was blocking restricting HIGH pressure egr gases not enough to cause a full PO401 fault but an intermittent fault so goes unseen but causes a lot of damage to the intake and exhaust system also injectors
I had purchased a new EGR cooler which i had to get from FIAT at £250+vat the replacement took 6hrs to do from start to finish
i then reset the injectors egr valve and maf sensors as if new and took for 100 mile test drive a mixture roads
Result all problems solved its running the best its ever done since new and averaged 36mpg on the test run ive never been able to get it above 29mpg whether loaded or unloaded driven carefully or thrashed before
Luckily i don't think the DPF as been damaged with the soot as its now doing regens normally and showing NOT GLOGGED and the last timed i looked this morning it was at 20% soot loading only thing left to do is get the O2 sensors checked to see if they are reading correctly as they could be contaminated with the high soot loading if faulty this also affect the Injector fuel trim settings
Hopefully i can get back to earning and not spending it all
hope this info is of use to anyone
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