General Dual Zone Climate Control - any problems ?

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General Dual Zone Climate Control - any problems ?


Panda Lounge TA 2012
May 13, 2004
It seems that FIAT is reviewing the climate controls on the GP (or just looking for supplier cost reductions) and the company I work for has been asked to bid for the dual zone climate controls.

Has anyone had any problems with the these, or are there any known issues, or any improvements which I could propose to Fiat ?
Seriously, do you think they would listen?

They would listen, judge our suggestion on its merit, styling effects and costs, and then maybe include it. We're talking to the designers in Turin, who write the specifications, which is very different to talking to customer services.

If, for instance, we noticed that the air intake flap took 20 seconds to reach the 'recirculated air' position when the air quality sensor detected pollution, then we might suggest a different motor technology or a different gear ratio, to move the flap more quickly. If this was cost neutral or a cost reduction then it is very likely that FIAT would seriously consider it. FIAT are less open to styling changes, though.

However, it looks like the GP climate control is already a good product, judging by this thread.
Thats why there are surveys so you can have your say.If a company does not listen to its customers..............its not got long left!

CGM (consumer generated media) is the latest hype in online market research, and if Fiat gives a stuff about their customers they would be trawling through FF - much more cost effective than surveys.
Blue&Me intergration would be nice :D Does the GP climate control system actually have an automatic recirculation feature, or was that purely an example? Sounds like a pretty cool feature to me...
Blue&Me intergration would be nice :D Does the GP climate control system actually have an automatic recirculation feature, or was that purely an example? Sounds like a pretty cool feature to me...

I don't know for sure, as we don't manufacture the current part, but when we quoted for this project in 2002, the specification included an Air Quality Sensor for auto-recirculation and the latest specification also includes it. So I would guess that this feature is included on the current automatic climate control.
Hm… so am I the first one to post some sort of a bugger here? Doesn’t sound that good for me, to me!!!

Anyway, here it goes:

Last few days have noticed that the driver’s side and the passenger’s side, although set at the exact same temperature (24 Celsius) do not blow at the same air temperature. So my side (driver’s) is noticeably hotter while left side (passenger’s) is cold as expected to be these days with the outside temperature around 28 Celsius. The problem does not seem to be mechanical in nature because if I lower my side’s temperature (wow dual climate zone working!) to around 22 or 21, while the passenger’s side remains at 24, the air seems to be of equal temperature. Does this sound like a software glitch, which may need a system’s reset or something?

Anyone any clues would be much appreciated!
Hm… so am I the first one to post some sort of a bugger here? Doesn’t sound that good for me, to me!!!

Anyway, here it goes:

Last few days have noticed that the driver’s side and the passenger’s side, although set at the exact same temperature (24 Celsius) do not blow at the same air temperature. So my side (driver’s) is noticeably hotter while left side (passenger’s) is cold as expected to be these days with the outside temperature around 28 Celsius. The problem does not seem to be mechanical in nature because if I lower my side’s temperature (wow dual climate zone working!) to around 22 or 21, while the passenger’s side remains at 24, the air seems to be of equal temperature. Does this sound like a software glitch, which may need a system’s reset or something?

Anyone any clues would be much appreciated!

Wow… still the only one with a seemingly serious problem…

T, any help or ideas about the described problem?