Hi all.
Does any one know if or has any one had droplinks replaced under the 3rd year dealer warranty?
Can I ask what symptoms are you having with your droplinks and spring?A quick update for any one wanting to know. Im having both drop links and a coil spring replaced all under the 3rd year dealer warranty, i pick the car up tomorrow because they couldnt get the droplinks today. I suppose its up to the garage at the end of the day but some can be ok!
I would describe it as a knocking rattle from the front, i could feel it through the floor and was only when going over the crumbled and uneven roads we have in the uk.
I had an idea the arb/droplinks were at fault from past experience but it was a surprise when i found out i had a broken spring because i didnt get the symptoms id expect from a broken spring, drifting, banging on one corner ect.