Technical Drivers Door

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Technical Drivers Door


Jul 29, 2014

decided to list all my problems in different posts to try and get all the info I need ready for my few days off and try fixing all the problems in a couple of days.

This problem is the drivers door. It looks like some nasty little low life of society has attempted to let themselves into the car from the top.

Its missing some paint, and the door doesn't look like it sits straight, in doing this it closes firmly but always seems to wiggle fractionally when nudged with a leg. Also the central locking wont stay down.

On opening the door it only opens half way, where as the passenger opens fully. It gets half way and refuses to move any further, didn't want to force it in case its pressing against the wing or something else I can't see. The last thing all door hinges are black, same as body work, except for the bottom one on the drivers door (only a 3dr)

Been reading up and thinking along the lines of two options

1) on new hinge fitting, badly fitted and not been lined up properly (easy option)

2) read on a few posts about the hinges on the actual door getting bent and needing bending back into position, or welding back into position properly.

anyone else suffered something similar, that might be able to shave sometime of this job for me, as I hate body work, but has to be done. Can't ignore any job on the car, its for my daughter, she choose the car and loves it. So my job is to make it safe and work well for her, no matter what.

thanks :)
if door only opens half way' then id suspect check strap as failed or become bent to apoint to stop it open'ning fully,

ive had/worked on a few pre vandalised punto's in the past and if door isnt straight ive found it best to scrap the door and replace them,
your 100% correct on both counts.

looked at it today, strap was bent and the bar was completely turned onto its side and jammed. the door where the strap connects was bent and split.

so going to need a replacement door! wheres a good place to get one, ideally in black to save hassle and cost of getting it painted. looked on ebay black one for £49.99 delivered. is that a good price?
Glad to be of help, ;)

49.99 is that including shipping, if not then ithink its a Tad high in price,
normaly 25-30 ish for a bare door,(no glass/window mech locks etc)

but saying that idont think 49.99 is a big sacrifice to make a car straight again,
You couid always try & haggle with the seller, ;)
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