Technical Drive shaft separator tool

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Technical Drive shaft separator tool

Sep 14, 2009
I could not get my shaft out of the gearbox. The retainer is just a wire snap ring, but unless you can get a direct push it's never going to shift. Looking at the scars on eBay's used drive shafts I'm not the only one having trouble.

One option is a special plate and slide hammer but I dont have a slide hammer.

But I do have a fork type ball joint separator that I dont use. They are cheap enough anyway. The tapered forks need to 55mm apart and the ball joint tool is just 19mm.

A good hefty angle grinder with slitting discs did the job. They self destruct without constant pressure and self destruct with too much pressure and as the slot gets deeper they (erm) self destruct. But I got there with a neat enough cut.

The 50mm x 5mm steel strip was easier to cut. I made a jig with some plywood and tacked in the steel separator plate. When happy welded it up properly. The welder was running from an extension cable so the welds are rough, but it's good enough and had the shaft off the car with two taps from the lump hammer. I need to make up a heavy duty extension cable.


  • Ball joint separator.jpeg
    Ball joint separator.jpeg
    3.7 MB · Views: 107
  • Cut in half with discs.jpeg
    Cut in half with discs.jpeg
    4.2 MB · Views: 51
  • Plate welded in.jpeg
    Plate welded in.jpeg
    3.1 MB · Views: 115
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well done a work of art (y)

I have just repaired a gearbox

hammer and chisel on the nearside is easer enough. There isnt much room on the offside. I used a hammer and long drift. 3 or 4 whacks is all that was needed just with things I had on hand. You do need to use a club hammer a nail claw type haven't the weight needed

while there I use the chisel in the slot for the ball joint. It enough to make dropping the arm down easy if the droplink is disconnected.
It's only "Art" if horrible looking welds are your thing but thanks. :)

Ive had no issues on other cars and got them out easily but the Panda driver's side was not moving despite lump hammer drifts and crow bars. Many shafts on eBay have scars from hammering so looks like its a common issue.

The new tool is now in my tool box and will probably sit there for years until its needed.
Just to add, I replaced both front wheel bearings and this tool was perfect for getting the wheel drive flange out of the bearing. My trusty shaft through handle screwdriver was having no effect. One thump with this fork and the flange was moving. They came out complete with an inner race from the bearing.

I used the grinder with 1mm slitting disc to slot the bearing race. It's quite thin against the shaft area but thicker against the flange. Be careful to avoid cutting into the flange. Once you have a slot to work with, a cold chisel will crack the bearing race and then it just slides off.