Technical Door hinges

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Technical Door hinges


May 31, 2014
Can anyone please explain how the door hinges on a 1967 500F work. I need to dismantle to change the hinge pins. Presumably the first job is to remove the door card to access the door strap in order to release it from the door. The main issue I'm unsure about is how the hinges bolt into the A post. Are there captive nuts or do you have to access inside from the footwell to get to the nuts so they don't fall off?

I have never changed the pins. I assume it might actually be easier in situ otherwise a vice would seem likely to be needed. The nuts are welded to the door pillar. Get penetrating oil in there if you can. Get a good fitting 13mm socket on, loosen all of them a little, then more oil, the setscrews are quite short so should soon be loose. Watch for the weight as the screws get loose and catch the door, ideally with a helper to take the weight. When refitting put some copper grease on the threads. Good luck.
Just took my doors off yesterday. Remove black plug in middle at front of door. You will see a cross head screw, remove this. Loosen 13mm bolts on a pillar. Squeeze together middle hinge pin so it comes out of holder. Remove 13mm bolts and door will come away. Watch for the weight of the door once you loosen the bolts
Thanks guys. Will give it a try. May replace bolts with some stainless I have hanging around depending upon condition of the originals.