General does anyone have???

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General does anyone have???

Jun 17, 2006
i'm in need of 2 or 3 of the little nuts that go onto the top of the glow plugs, does anyone have any of these knocking about that they could send me please :eek:
i take it that's a no then :( i would have thought some of you would of had the odd few glow plugs laying about that i could have had a nut from :bang::cry:
I think you will find they are a standard 10mm nut, no need for the attached washer, any decent hardware shop should have some in the overpriced packets they sell. root around in your toolbox should have something! are you replacing plugs? new ones come with nuts, use a magnet to prevent loosing them!(y)
hi digger,
no they are 8mm flanged one's, i needed 7 in total not for glow plugs but for a rear light fitting on my new car, it had 1 nut holding the rear light unit in place when there should have been 8 :eek: i managed to find most of them in my tool box but i was short of a couple, my rear lights had more water in than the local swimming pool :(
dam car dealers!! anyway i tried the local nut and bolt shop but he only wanted to sell me a box of 1000 as he only had standard 8mm but no flanged ones and they would have to be ordered in, don't really fancy having 998 nuts floating around for ever and a day lol!!
A shame really - but maybe give it a few more days.

Have you tried the Peugeot and Citroen forums?

Yeah i tried pug306 forum before posting here but had not responce from them either, but then again most of them are spotty 17 year olds and wouldn't know the differance between a 8mm nut and a 20mm nut lol!!
Yes, sorry now I remember buying a 1/4" 8mm deep socket for the purpose, do you not have a shop around that sells the vastly overpriced packets? We are very lucky here in Limerick where you can go to Hassetts and buy 1 nut if you want, a brilliant place. I know I have several lying around I am on holidays at the moment but if you are still stuck after the 23rd I will throw a few in the post if required!
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Yes, sorry now I remember buying a 1/4" 8mm deep socket for the purpose, do you not have a shop around that sells the vastly overpriced packets? We are very lucky here in Limerick where you can go to Hassetts and buy 1 nut if you want, a brilliant place. I know I have several lying around I am on holidays at the moment but if you are still stuck after the 23rd I will throw a few in the post if required!

thanks Digger58,
I found some today i looked in the boot of my wifes car to get some stuff out and there was 4 old glow plugs in there so i nicked the bolts and threw away the plugs, but thank you for the offer to send some it was very kind :)