General Does anybody want?

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General Does anybody want?

Mar 23, 2004
Just clearing up some papers trying to find Charlie's insurance etc as the
tax is due.

I've found Freddy's original Uno Owners Handbook and the original ring
binder with wiring diagrams or some description in it.

Before I bin it, does anybody want it?? Will give it a week then it's going
in the bin if nobody shouts up :)
He was a 1988 Uno 45.

The Owners Handbook covers all Unos from what I can see. It's got the
general blurb in it then a breakdown of differences for the different models
at the back.

The ring binder has got a plastic wallet thing with "Fiat Aftercare" stuff in
it. Warranty stuff etc. There's a wiring diagram of some description in
there too - could be for original stereo. Also inside the ring binder is a
Fiat AA Assurance handbook 1988/89.

The ring binder itself is a bit grotty as it's been kicking around a car for
a number of years but the stuff inside is clean. As I say, no good to me
now and would rather someone could make use of it than just bin it. :)