Technical Coolant leak but only sometimes.

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Technical Coolant leak but only sometimes.

A friend once had a car which he acquired very cheaply, it had it's foibles.

Every week he would diligently check the oil and find it had dropped well below the minimum mark so he would refil the oil.
A few weeks went past and he was getting quite frustrated by the oil consumption. On further examination of the dipstick he realised the top end had been fettled making the dipstick an inch shorter than it should have been.

Not really relevant but just reminded me of it :)
My theory: Seems to be a pressure thing. With the pot at min, the increase in pressure when hot is containable. When higher, the smaller volume of air in the top of the pot will cause a higher increase in pressure, forcing the coolant out somewhere.

This should not happen as the valve in the pressure cap should maintain pressure regardless of volume in the pot. Might need a new cap, although my experience is that usual failure is a loss of pressure rather than an increase.

But, as above, we need to know where it is leaking out. This will help us determine the cause, and therefore a solution. Don't we all love a puzzle? Although much easier when it is not yours.
could it be the heater matrix tap? Talon's one was cracked and it caused it to drop right to the bottom of the tank but somehow no lower (4x4's have a higher tank than its 2wd brother)
the water sat at the same height as the heater matrix tap.

maybe it is on that level the water stops at, where you have the leak... ?