will this do for reading any engine fault codes on my 2006 panda multijet?
will I need to buy additional fiat leads or wll the lead that comes with it fit?
thanks in advance
Hi Dozer, it is purely a generic obd reader, yes, it will read main codes and allow deletion of error codes. it will not allow access to specific ecus or data, but for the most part is certainly a useful thing to have. It will give you a good starting point and in many cases identify a specific fault.
You do not need any other leads for the unit - just plug it in.
A good analogy between the standard generic readers and a product like
MES is the generic reader is a test lamp,
MES is a top of the range multi meter.
It is still a damn good thing to have. - I am sure it will pay for itself many times over.
Look for the cheapest on ebay - if you look, there are mainly only about 3 designs, all with different labels on - but you can see it is the same unit.
I have exactly the same unit with red colour and a different make / model name
I always keep one in the car along with the basic tool kit, spare bulbs, fuses etc.