Technical CODE light staying on

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Technical CODE light staying on

Oct 22, 2007
The CODE light is staying on sometimes, in my brother's 899 Cinq. Even with the red key. Still drivable.

I've checked a few other threads, and have tried reprogramming (red key, blue keys, red key) - not much luck due to the light randomly not going out, and taking the battery off for half an hour - no good.

If I wrap the handle of a key in tin foil so the code can't be read the fuel pump no longer primes - so otherwise, it seems to be reading it and running the engine ok, just not turning the light off.

A sign of impending doom?
Ok, ta. Apparently it's been doing this for a while, I only know about it now from borrowing his car recently while mine was off the road.

There's a full set of 899 locks/code block/ecu/keys knocking around here somewhere that I can swap in, if need be...
I used the red to move it on the drive the other day, but my brother says it's been doing it for months. The blues are from Timpson if that makes any odds?

If it happens, turn off and back on. Or leave it and drive with the light on.