One of our neighbours worked for the contractor who provides the yellow line enforcement for Manchester Council. He told me that one weekend when there was some kind of fair on he was working in the City Centre and came across a car left on double yellow lines. He looked around for a possible owner and on seeing no-one printed a ticket off.
Just as he was about to stick it under the wiper he heard a shout and looking round there was about 4 clowns, complete with little hats, rotating bow ties, and big shoes running down the street towards him. Very quickly he put it on the screen and legged it, much to the amusement of onlookers who thought it was hilarious to see a parking attendant running down the road chased by clowns.
He got away.
A few days later he told me he was walking in the North Western St/ Temperance St/Fairfield Street area near Piccadilly Station when he heard a woman's voice shouting: "Get a proper job." He looked in that direction and saw a prostitute leaning against a wall. It was shortly after this that he decided to look for a new job.