Technical Climate Control Problem [and Fixing Guide]

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Technical Climate Control Problem [and Fixing Guide]

As far as i know the Stilo and Bravo have the same climate control. Can you hear a faint of sound of a motor (or two) starting and stopping constantly with just the ignition on, from somewhere near the passenger side (left side) foot well.
Yep, well, it sounds more like a constant clicking than starting and stopping.
Have a look at this thread from post 4 onwards it may help. Mine only blew cold air to the passenger side (left side). I changed all three on that side because they become brittle. I can't remember which one is was that had broken first on mine as it was a couple of years ago. Remove the motors one at a time. If the plastic link has broke you will tell straight away when you take the motor off. They are easy to do.
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hi guys ? I own a bravo apparently the pieces between actuators are the same as stilo only was wondering the that the defroster actuator also is the Same as it is a pain in ass to remove first wanna be sure it is
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Gentlemen! I tried to find if anyone has just shared this before, but google didn't give me hits from so here we go (hopefully for the first time):
Someone (a bright guy!) just remodelled the "brilliant" OE part (46723463), 3D printed it and now sells for 5.5 GBP! Here is the eBay link:

I hope it can be useful for you guys too, and sharing something like that is not against the forum rules...
This post contains affiliate links which may earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

Here is an image of the motors.

From what I make of it, All three have snapped (white bits), but only 2 & 3 I know from certain as I didn't have time to check number 1.

Number 1 was making a noise as if it was trying to move also.

What do these three actuators control? Do any of them control the temperature?

I am having the same issue currently with my Fiat 500. Any idea where these actuators are located?
Well, today it happened to me. Fiat Stilo LHD, first the temp actuator went of last year and now i have no airflow to the windshield (defrost actuator).
My good mates, what's the best and fastest way do remove the defroster actuator? On a LHD Stilo i would assume it's located on the passenger side, or am i wrong?
Can anyone shed some light? Is it an "all dash out" type of job?
Has anyone managed to do a proxy alignment on a Stilo air conditioner? If so, how was it done and with what?
yes my friend, you just need an OBD connector (i bought 1 for around 9€ on aliexpress) and multiecuscan software.
After that, you can proxy align whatever you want.

EDIT: Checkout my post about the topic (not a proxy align per se but connection to ECU).
Thanks for the reply. I've tried the bluetooth OBD adapter and it works successfully as a proxy except for the climate control unit and the rain and light sensor. I managed to find a topic where it was explained that bluetooth has some limitations in communication, and that is why it cannot do a proxy on the climate control unit.
Thanks for the reply. I've tried the bluetooth OBD adapter and it works successfully as a proxy except for the climate control unit and the rain and light sensor. I managed to find a topic where it was explained that bluetooth has some limitations in communication, and that is why it cannot do a proxy on the climate control unit.
i had LOTS of issues with bluetooth, didn't even connect to the ECU. after switching to a USB OBD (with some modification to a resistor as documented) voila, everything you can do with a ELM327 cable was available to me, including proxy alignment. give it a go, i posted the link of the adapter i bought and the modification i did, should be easy and cheap.
Pročitao sam post o modifikaciji OBD adaptera. Postoji li možda adapter gdje nije potrebno ništa mijenjati?
I don't understand Croatian my friend but i guess what you mean was "I read a post about modifying the OBD adapter. Is there perhaps an adapter where it is not necessary to change anything?"
Yes, there are OBD already modified for sale but they cost like 3 or 4 times more, around 40€ i think. Comparing to opening up the OBD connector, de-solder 1 resistor and reassemble (takes you around 5 min or so), i think it's not worth it to pay 4 times more but it would depend on the tools you have available, you just need a soldering iron and nothing else (well, solder wick and flux if you want to be professional) or even a plier that can "cut" the resistor but this way might damage something else.
Sorry my mistake, I'm using Google translate so I copied the text wrongly. You understood well what I asked. I have a soldering iron and many years of experience working with it. So removing the resistor won't be a problem for me. Thank you for your reply.
The problem with the air conditioning is that I installed an electric PTC heater. For this heater to work, it needs to be turned on using diagnostics on the air conditioning control unit and then proxy alignment needs to be done. I tried to get around the problem by installing another air conditioning control unit from a Stilo that already had a heater installed at the factory. With that, I got the mileage flashing and still the heater didn't work, probably there was no CAN communication between the air conditioning control unit and the body computer. I can't turn this heater on without proxy alignment. For now, I'm turning it on manually with a switch I installed.
sim meu amigo, você só precisa de um conector OBD (comprei um por cerca de 9€ no aliexpress) e software multiecuscan.
Depois disso, você pode alinhar o proxy com o que quiser.

EDIT: Confira minha postagem sobre o tópico (não é um alinhamento de proxy em si, mas uma conexão com a ECU).
Boas, tive que mudar o meu módulo do AC, mas nunca consegui fazer o alinhamento proxy, dá sempre erro no módulo do AC, alguma ideia? Já fiz outros alinhamentos antes dessa troca e nunca tive problema.
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My advice is to buy wired version elm327. For me only thing that worked for Bravo is elm327 with PIC18F25K80 controller inside. No resistance soldering, no modifications, every module is responding except Steering, ABS etc... units that normally require special cable (green, yellow, red etc..).

Every new unit added to car needs to be proxi alligned in CAN network. So even new climate control unit from another car will not work until proxi is done.

I'm not sure about your car wiring for PTC heater, depens if you have all wiring for it to work, aftermarket installation is a hard way while missing many fuses and wires. And yes if installed you need to enable it in CAN settings and than do proxi in order to control it with Climate Control Unit.
All of the above has been done. When I connect to the air conditioning unit with diagnostics, I can turn on the PTC heater with diagnostics, it works normally and the fan also turns on automatically. The only problem is performing proxy alignment in the air conditioning unit. It just says that the unit does not allow data entry.