General Cinq Sporting oil

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General Cinq Sporting oil


New member
May 9, 2020
Can anyone advise what engine oil I should use on my Cinq Sporting?

The handbook says 15w/40 mineral oil. Is that right? I thought mineral oil was more for diesel engines. Would a 15/40 semi-synthetic do, or do I need to stick to mineral oil?

Is there a preferred filter, or will any do?

Can anyone advise what engine oil I should use on my Cinq Sporting?

The handbook says 15w/40 mineral oil. Is that right? I thought mineral oil was more for diesel engines. Would a 15/40 semi-synthetic do, or do I need to stick to mineral oil?

Is there a preferred filter, or will any do?


What year cinq..?

Semi synth is fine.. they are OLD tech.. so not point going too thin.. ;)

Is the car standard factory trim?
15W40 is very old ‘70s tech.

I ran 5W40 Shell Helix Ultra synthetic in my 899 Cinq.
It ran very well on that.
(It also used less than when it was on 15W40 mineral oil).
I tend to use 10w40 semi as that suits all my other cars and I don't have to keep various different graded of oil that way ;)
cheers all. The handbook Fiat says says SAE 15w/40, but I guess things move on.

I'll get some 10/40 semi, as I use that on my other car

David, hello, I remember you from the TT forum. I sold my mk1 a few months ago. The Sporting has replaced it.
Small world!!

The first time I changed the oil in it I did use 15W40, but it was like pouring treacle and it felt slower afterwards.
Changed quickly to 10W40 and it felt much better.
Of the various 10W40 I used in it, Mobil S2000 was my favourite.
I ended up with the Shell Ultra 5W40 because ECP had it on at a ridiculously low price for 5L plus a 2nd 5L thrown in free!
So was worth trying and it was a good oil.