Is the car losing coolant? When you topped it up, did it need a yoghurt pot full, or a gallon? If it's lost significant amounts of coolant (so you can't even see the level in the reservoir) then you need to find out where the coolant is going.
It may be tricky while the weather is so wet but if you can, park the car somewhere dry and then have a look after a few hours to see if it has been dripping any spots under the car. Coolant doesn't evaporate too quickly, so if it's dripping, you'll see the spots on the ground, even the next morning.
Likely suspect at 7 years old is the radiator but the spots will tell you where its coming from. Bear in mind it can be leaking in one place but dripping down-hill of the source.
But overheating only happens when you have virtually no coolant left. If the coolant level is anywhere near "Min" (even slightly below) it shouldn't overheat. You might have another problem, such as a water pump, or head gasket problem... and I might be a bit cynical in my old age.. but that could be why the seller sold it.
Start with looking for leaks... then tell us what you find.
Meanwhile, when was the cam-belt last changed (usually the water pump is changed at the same time)? And does the car lose coolant out of the header tank cap (look for marks on the bonnet lining)?
Ralf S.