Technical caliper piston help

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Technical caliper piston help


New member
Jan 7, 2007
general question here.. what should i do to depress the caliper piston front breaks of an mk2? im in the process of changing the disc pads hence caliper piston should be depressed.:confused: Thanks in advance
Never mind these brake caliper rewind tools which cost around £25, I went down to a local DIY centre (focus) and got one of these:

Used it for doing pads on a Vauxhall. You can adjust the size, and then press it like a gun/handle and it soon pushes it over a surface area back in. If it's hard to do (because pads wore so low) you may have to remove the cap from the brake fluid just incase of pressure.
i need to get me one of those toys! well ived managed to push it down just used some leverage with a thick screw driver. i was having a hard time pushing it in because i was ginger with it. brute force and leverage did it.

thanks for the tip gotta have that!
I use an old G-clamp whenever I need to push caliper pistons back in. Doesn't work on twin piston opposed calipers though, but is fine for the single piston design of the Uno (y)

Ditto - I use a G-clamp too. Slacken the bleed nipple first and you push out some of the dirty fluid in the system - saves pushing it back through the lines.

Note that the proper rewind tool is for the rear calipers of cars that have disc brakes at the back, such as the Uno Turbo, where the piston must be turned as it is pushed back in.
