Technical Break bleed problems compensator to rear wheels

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Technical Break bleed problems compensator to rear wheels


New member
May 22, 2019
Unresolved issues..
Can't bleed beyond (bias)load valve after repairing corroded rear brake lines..
Any advice appreciated ?
Unresolved issues..
Can't bleed beyond (bias)load valve after repairing corroded rear brake lines..
Any advice appreciated ?

If vehicle on stands with wheels off the ground the load valve cuts off fluid to rear brake pistons/ calipers
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I think these are best bled with very very low pressure.
Try just gravity bleeding ?
Stretching the bounds of my memory but have a feeling that if too much pressure the lever moves cutting off fluid/air to rear.
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Yes lever free..I'm now on third replacement as I convinced myself valve must be at fault..I've not tried gravity bleed... thanks
Yes lever free..I'm now on third replacement as I convinced myself valve must be at fault..I've not tried gravity bleed... thanks

If you can see which way the lever moves when brake pedal pressed then somehow hold the lever so it doesn't move that way or hold it in opposite direction.
Certainly not one I've tried..
Thanks ?
Will try tomorrow..?

Remove the bored nipples completely and see if they are completely blocked.
If new nipples don't assume they have been made properly, take them out and try blowing through them. I have had new bleed nipples not drilled properly so in effect they were plugs , oh the %$##€%$$#$%¥¥ that ensued when I found that.
Also try pushing some fresh fluid in through the bleed nipple not a lot a small a small ammout they try bleeding again

Is the idea behind that to show air bubbles so know something coming through lines?
Is the idea behind that to show air bubbles so know something coming through lines?

It would have the effect as well but reverse bleeding can be a good way to free airlocks

YouCan bleed the whole system this way allthough you'd really want more then a syringe and a length of tubing go between that and the caliper
Still no luck...
Tried all advised no resolve..
Cracked open both feeds to valve from master plenty of fluid free flowing..
Lever moves with pedal pumping and manually tried multiple positions,also can hear piston in valve moving..
Disconnected breakline to rear wheel at valve an no fluid passing...?


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Still no luck...
Tried all advised no resolve..
Cracked open both feeds to valve from master plenty of fluid free flowing..
Lever moves with pedal pumping and manually tried multiple positions,also can hear piston in valve moving..
Disconnected breakline to rear wheel at valve an no fluid passing...?

If both rear bleed nipples undone or even removed there shouldn't be any pressure to cause the lever to move.

Have you connected the brake pipes to the bias valve back to front?
Might sound silly, but have you placed your new brake pipes to correct positions on your brake regulator, have seen it been done, easy mistake, and it would cause the fluid to not reach your callipers, it's hard to advise without seeing as i wrote this a picture went up.
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Might sound silly, but have you placed your new brake pipes to correct positions on your brake regulator, have seen it been done, easy mistake, and it would cause the fluid to not reach your callipers, it's hard to advise without seeing as i wrote this a picture went up.

Great minds(-: