Technical Brake caliper rebuild problem

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Technical Brake caliper rebuild problem


New member
Jan 27, 2014
Bought a seal kit for the brake calipers and have spent the evening stripping and rebuilding a very dodgy caliper (torn dust boot, sticking sliding pin).
Removed, cleaned and replaced the piston and seal with no problems however the sliding pin is a different matter! Got it off and have new replacement pin in kit. I cut out the old sliding pin seals/boots but can't get the new seals back on. How on earth do you do it without a press? Anyone got any tips before I lose my rag????
i never had success with brake calipers on punto's because i scrapped before i fixed it

On most other twin slider ones i've cleaned up and rebuilt, you have a nice free slider,

With it in a vice, i find it alot easier to help push the bloody things back in...

Tease carefully, they should have lug that once they go in, should slide around to pop in

It's not the slide pin itself but the rubber seals/boots that go on the end of where the pin slides. I think they're out of tolerance or something - too big for the holes they need to go into. Different design to the ones that came out too.
Done pistons before but not a sliding pin because I've never needed to! I've restored many cars over the years and work as a design engineer in the car industry. (McLaren, Jaguar, Pininfarina, Aston Martin, Jordan F1, Nissan and more). I apologise to anyone I may have killed over the years cos I'm a novice! My previous project was/is my Alfa 156 2.0 TS which has been rebuilt to show standard.
I am embarrassed though! When I removed the boots for the sliders, the rubber tore off. It left the metal pressings in the calliper casting but this wasn't obvious because of all the crap on them. The replacement parts were a different design so no clue looking at them.