Technical Blaupunkt Complete head unit fitting trauma - anyone got a cunning plan ?

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Technical Blaupunkt Complete head unit fitting trauma - anyone got a cunning plan ?


Feb 21, 2014
A Brit in Portugal
Hi folks,

Fitting one of these..


:bang::bang: :confused:

Remove old unit, no problems, remove old metal cage, no problems, remove old plastic single din holder with tray, simple.. fit new cage unit, no worries, sort wiring to fit (remove old sony din) - again, no worries.

When inserting radio home, there is a loop of wiring behind the radio that only forms as the radio is pushed home .... aghhhhh !!!! trouble is you cannot get your hand or anything in as the head cover the aperture.

Only thing I can think of is taking the dash out and sticking hand through to pull cables away as head unit is pushed home... ??

Any cunning plans ? - otherwise it is dash out tomorrow, looks simple enough I must admit....

ALso, beggar me, this thing is LOUD, I though I must have a sub with the bass on it, but no, I havent, it sounds excellent --
Blue connector is fully wired so intend to tap into other end near glove box (presumably as this is where cd changer goes ?) for MP3 and use source select.
What a bugger to fit due to the wire loop -- :bang: :bang:

Such fun and 80 degrees today out of the breeze.. early start tomorrow...
Deep joy.. :rolleyes:
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My armchair theory (completely untested):

With radio out, feed piece of string through aperture and down behind dash.

Tie string to cables in just the right place.

Cunningly pull string from below dash as you craftily slide head unit into aperture.

Cut off surplus string.

Neat idea JR ! (y) I will give that a try in the morning... nice one -
btw, my bad, when I said 'dash out' I meant to say instrument cluster - doh ! -
It looks like 4 screws holding shroud, 3 holding cluster panel... on the LHD (Mine) I 'should' be right next to the loop as it is the left side it is forming on.
But I like your idea, will give it a go.. great thinking..:)