Technical battery issue!!! help.

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Technical battery issue!!! help.


Little Firecracker
Mar 9, 2010
Lanarkshire, Scotland.
last week i went to start my 57 1.2 active GP as usual and apart from some 'ticking' and movement of the dash needles, nothing.

jump start and all was well. A few warning lights but nothing else.

replaced the battery and thought that would be the end of it.

this morning there's no action again, even worse than last time (it hasn't been started for 2 days).

it's 'ticking' and the dash needles are jerking slightly but that's it.

jump start attempted but nothing still.

battery is now in the house on charge but i know its not the battery.

sounds like a relay, or alternator, any ideas?
If the car hasn't been used and yet the battery is still going flat then either the battery is duff, or there is an 'electrical leak' somewhere, this could be down to say, the boot light not turning itself off, or it could be somewhere not visible within the cars electrics.
Although someone else will probably be along shortly to tell you the right answer :)
the battery can't be duff, i just bought it new.

got it going after charging the battery but am now disconnecting overnight to prevent the same happening.

any ideas what's happening?
as was mentioned earlier ,you have a drain on the battery .ie boot light still on ,just fold the seats forward and you will see if it's still on .as you say the alternator could be at fault .otherwise ,you need to have a meter over the battery to measure the drain and locate what it is hopefully 1 of the fiat trained lads,or a lad who has a good knowledge of them will have the answer to what is a common drain ..