Technical Back brakes

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Technical Back brakes


New member
Feb 21, 2009
got a problem with my back brakes on my uno cento:bang:
how do you set them up:confused: i just put new brake shoes in
and couldn't find a way to adjust them in teh hubs like on most cars:confused:, now my brakes have settled in i need to adjust them up.
my hand brake is also very high, will adjusting the hand brake fix the problem:confused:
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The rear brake shoes have automatic friction adjusters. Each shoe has 2 friction washers and a spring that compresses the washers onto the shoe over an elongated hole.

Once you've fitted the new shoes (they should come fitted with new adjusters) and replaced the drums. The shoes should self-adjust after you've pressed the brake pedal a few times.

If they're not adjusting, it may help if you drive the car in reverse as quick as it's safe to do whilst pumping the brake pedal on and off. Once the shoes have adjusted, the handbrake lever should return to the correct position.

The shoes should self-adjust after you've pressed the brake pedal a few times.
I like the way Haynes says that. I always push the shoes out and ensure they are centralised before putting the drum back on. I make sure the gap all the way round is the same by measuring it with the handle of my pliers.

If they're not adjusting, it may help if you drive the car in reverse as quick as it's safe to do whilst pumping the brake pedal on and off. Once the shoes have adjusted, the handbrake lever should return to the correct position.

I did that once and ended up having over adjusted drums :(.
Hello - sorry I missed this thread and I even got confused by the 'cento' reference, wondering whether this should be in the Cinquecento forum! :eek:

I find in general that it helps to slacken the handbrake cable (i.e. undo the cable nuts under the car) when you fit new shoes. The shoes may not be able to self-adjust (or you may be unable to get the drums on) if the cable is too tight. Only re-tighten the handbrake once the shoes are properly self-adjusted. This also applies to rear disc brakes (e.g. Uno Turbo).

Take the drums off and check that the friction material is wearing reasonably evenly. If wearing only on the very centre of the curve, check that the drums haven't been machined too large (sometimes happens). Maximum internal diameter is 187mm.

You should probably post a picture of one of your rear brakes (with drum removed) just in case your South African Uno has a different/later design (small chance). The Punto, for example, has a different design, and I'm aware that the South African Uno was made right up until 2003-ish so may have inherited an updated design from other FIATs. Unlikely, but we have to be certain ;)

Otherwise, you may even have the misfortune of faulty (new) shoes. I've fitted new shoes before and been unable to get them to work. It all depends on how well the spring-loaded friction washers do their job. If they shift too easily, the brakes won't work well.

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