Auto Italia Day at Stanford Hall???

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Auto Italia Day at Stanford Hall???

Right - Fosse Park, 9am. Can we add our ickle (mainly) Cento convoy of 8 cars to yours?

(including one fast car if anything goes wrong - ooh, I've come over all Italian Job!!)

Cinq sporting 1242cc
The Fosse Park meeting point kind of changed and I don't think anyone was going to meet there anymore.

Having said that i'm happy to meet you there or M1 Leicester Forest East services if thats easier for you (though McDonalds will be cheaper at Fosse Park;)).
Let me know yea or nay and a time and i'll be there!
I'll PM you my mobile no.

2.0 20v HGT + Superchip + NOS (soon)

Stanford "West" are meeting at Toys R Us car park. M6 J2 at 08:30 then various pick up points forward. Claire is picking up a few from Nuneaton on the way. We are then going straight to Stanford

Stanford "East-North" are meeting at M1 Leicester Forest East also at 08:30 then going straight to Stanford

Stanford "East-South" are coming up the M1 and going straight to Stanford.

I cant personally see the point in sitting in traffic for an hour until 10:00 just to get in but that's club cento mentality for you! Lets hope for the weather to continue and for me now to stop drinking [:eek:)]

Fiat Bravo HGT155
Fiat Barchetta THE Fiat Bravo site
Apparently it was great...;)

the descent into insanity continues unabated
Aye - it was!
Pics on line

Cheers Claire, Matt, Pete et al for a great day - Fek am I sunburnt!!!
Oh and pic 1 was taken on the move Matt!

Fiat Bravo HGT155
Fiat Barchetta THE Fiat Bravo site
Agree, it was a good event nice to see you all again.
Nice piccy Nige of me following you LOL
Only one bad thing i'm bloody bright red from sunburn!!!

"The Not so Fast but Furious"
Who cares about my post count - it's all about quality not quantity!!
(at least thats what i tell myself anyway)
looks like a lot of fun was had by all.

i'm dissapointed i missed it now

how did si's pond do on the test?

The NOS Guzzler with more posts than you - - is Donz
Well get out and polish it then!
My necks really burnt it hurts! ;)

"The Not so Fast but Furious"
Who cares about my post count - it's all about quality not quantity!!
(at least thats what i tell myself anyway)
Im arms are like lobsters!!

But I had a fab day so thanx to you guys for making it a good one xxxx

See you on Sunday at Gaydon :D

The Baby With The Brothelmobile
yeah and i'll be there too so watch out for the return of Mr Scissors!!!

you love it u luv itt ewe larve eet!!!!!!


the descent into insanity continues unabated
Well get out and polish it then!
My necks really burnt it hurts!

Just did with T-cut and Mer, no difference. Going for a black sei with 4 seats next!
Oi oi!:)