General Anyone out there happy with their dualogic?

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General Anyone out there happy with their dualogic?


New member
Jul 19, 2009
Hi everyone!:slayer:

I ordered my Fiat 500 Lounge with a dualogic gearbox & have started reading forums about problems with these gearboxes. Having serious buyer's remorse (having never driven one with dualogic) & thinking I've been rather stupid & should have done my research a bit better...:bang:

Guess you live & learn! I just got too excited buying a brand new car for the first time. I also got a bit carried away with the extra's.

Is there anyone out there who has a dualogic gearbox who has had no problems & love it to bits?
Really happy with mine, had it new since sept.. really enjoy using it.

No problems at all with it driven all down to the south of France as well so covered good mileage. Love chucking it in the "steptronic" manual shift mode and revving it around, great fun!

Hope you enjoy yours when you get it!!
Had dualogic in both my Panda and now in my 500. I have had my 500 for over 12 months and have driven over 14,000 miles and have had no problems whatsoever.
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Clarkson had an article in the Sunday Times a couple of years ago regarding online user reviews of mobile phones. He found that people either rated them 0/10 or 10/10, but nothing between. He reckoned that it was either because they were whinging people with a grudge, uber-geeks that demand unobtainable perfection, or people who wanted to defend their decision to buy a certain model by saying that they are obsolutely 100% right in making their decision to buy a certain model.
So, don't take to much notice of any bad reports - there're thousands of dualogic cars without a problem.
I bought my 500 with dualogic in JAN. And I have had no problem at all so far. I really enjoy using it. Auto mode for city driving, Manual mode for highway. i think it's really handy.
brake to stop, accellerator to go

parking brake to stay stopped

it is a normal gearbox with a normal clutch - with electronic gearchange

all explained in the vehicle handbook(y)

I must have an early manual as there is no reference to the dualogic option in my handbook.

You say normal clutch - so it has a clutch pedal depresses normaly? I thought it didnt which was why I asked how the car worked on a steep hill.
yep, i meant 'normal clutch' as opposed to torque converter(y)

the 'witchcraft' disengages the clutch as well as blipping the throttle when shifting gear

there is no 'clutch' pedal

Ah, fair enough, I lets you off then :p (y)

Are they powdered clutches or are they hydraulic with some sort of electronic fluid control :confused:
There is a separate Duologic manual which I got with my handbook. On hills you use the handbrake like in a manual car to hold the car on the hill, and use the gas to move off, releasing the handbreak. Its not like a fully automatic ie thereis no "creep" when you take your foot off the break pedal, you have to use the accelerator to move off. And yes there's no clutch pedal.